Oracle PL SQL 程序设计第五版(中文)
1。上册,1 - 16章
2。下册,17 - 26章
import java.sql.*;
public class book
public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException
// initialize the driver and try to make a connection
DriverManager.registerDriver (new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver ( ));
Connection conn =
“scott“ “tiger“);
// prepareCall uses ANSI92 “call“ syntax
CallableStatement cstmt = conn.prepareCall(“{? = call booktitle(?)}“);
// get those bind variables and parameters set up
cstmt.registerOutParameter(1 Types.VARCHAR);
cstmt.setString(2 “0-596-00180-0“);
// now we can do it get it close it and print it
cstmt.executeUpdate( );
String booktitle = cstmt.getString(1);
conn.close( );
| Supplement to the fifth edition of Oracle PL/SQL Programming by Steven
| Feuerstein with Bill Pribyl Copyright (c) 1997-2009 O‘Reilly Media Inc.
| To submit corrections or find more code samples visit
| http://oreilly.com/catalog/9780596514464/
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 69572021 2012-10-24 21:35 Oracle PL SQL 程序设计 下 第五版.pdf
文件 1540 2009-09-22 13:30 OPP5.WEB.CODE\#README.txt
文件 1502 2009-09-17 19:36 OPP5.WEB.CODE\10g_authors.pkg
文件 1059 2009-09-17 19:43 OPP5.WEB.CODE\10g_coll_unordered.sql
文件 992 2009-09-17 19:38 OPP5.WEB.CODE\10g_compare.sql
文件 2391 2009-09-17 19:38 OPP5.WEB.CODE\10g_compare_old.sql
文件 385 2009-09-17 19:38 OPP5.WEB.CODE\10g_compwarn.sql
文件 1519 2009-09-17 19:39 OPP5.WEB.CODE\10g_favorites.pkg
文件 609 2009-09-17 19:39 OPP5.WEB.CODE\10g_fav_union1.sql
文件 607 2009-09-17 19:39 OPP5.WEB.CODE\10g_fav_union2.sql
文件 626 2009-09-17 19:39 OPP5.WEB.CODE\10g_fav_union3.sql
文件 4064 2009-09-17 19:39 OPP5.WEB.CODE\10g_forall.sql
文件 1152 2009-09-17 19:39 OPP5.WEB.CODE\10g_indices_of.sql
文件 2376 2009-09-17 19:40 OPP5.WEB.CODE\10g_optimize_cfl.sql
文件 918 2009-09-17 19:40 OPP5.WEB.CODE\10g_quotes.sql
文件 1504 2009-09-17 19:40 OPP5.WEB.CODE\10g_set.sql
文件 1702 2009-09-17 19:41 OPP5.WEB.CODE\10g_setops.sql
文件 405 2009-09-17 19:41 OPP5.WEB.CODE\10g_strings_nt.sql
文件 1188 2009-09-17 19:41 OPP5.WEB.CODE\10g_submultiset.sql
文件 1750 2009-09-17 19:41 OPP5.WEB.CODE\10g_tab_compare_with_coll.sql
文件 1339 2009-09-17 19:41 OPP5.WEB.CODE\10g_union.sql
文件 1097 2009-09-17 19:41 OPP5.WEB.CODE\10g_values_of.sql
文件 5257 2009-09-17 21:27 OPP5.WEB.CODE\11gR2_frc_no_relies_on.sql
文件 1362 2009-09-17 19:42 OPP5.WEB.CODE\11g_access_denied_1.sql
文件 6617 2009-09-17 19:42 OPP5.WEB.CODE\11g_compound_mutating.sql
文件 762 2009-09-17 19:42 OPP5.WEB.CODE\11g_effective_user_id.sql
文件 3647 2009-09-17 19:42 OPP5.WEB.CODE\11g_emplu.pkg
文件 1283 2009-09-17 19:43 OPP5.WEB.CODE\11g_emplu.tst
文件 1616 2009-09-17 21:22 OPP5.WEB.CODE\11g_emplu_compare.sp
文件 3539 2009-09-17 21:23 OPP5.WEB.CODE\11g_fgd.sql
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