nrComm Lib v6.30 Copyright (C) 1997-2003 Roman NovgorodovnrComm Lib provide some tools for performing serial communicationstasks for Delphi/Kylix/CBuilder development. This is good professionalSerial Port components library with TAPI support, Voice, Speech andZModem protocol.Content of ReadMe~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1. Overview2. License Agreement3. Platforms4. File List5. Installation 5.1 For Win32 platform 5.2 For Linux platform6. Restriction7. Contacts1. Overview~~~~~~~~~~~The nrComm Lib contents:+TnrComm powerful component for direct access to serial port (nrcomm.pas)+TnrCommTAPI powerful component for Win32 TAPI services with Voice support (nrcommtapi.pas)- not supported for Kylix (Linux platform) version of course.+TnrWave component for working with sound wave devices. Wide capabilities forsound playing, recording and redirect. You can play sound into vocie modem from WAV file or microphone. Also you can record from voice modem into WAV file orredirect to default speakers.+TnrSpeech component for text to speech conversion. You can speak a typed text using voice modem or default speakers.+TnrBarCodeScan component for the barcode scanners (nrbarcode.pas)+TnrZModem component for common file transfer protocol (nrzmodem.pas)+TnrLogFile component for logging (nrlogfile.pas)+TnrDeviceBox visual control for selecting device COM port or TAPI+TnrSemaphore visual simple check component (nrsemaphore.pas)+some helpful routines (file nrcomm.pas)TnrComm is the very useful and suitable Delphi/CBuilder component for controlthe serial port device in the Win32 aplications. It‘s very easy for use. Theexperienced Delphi programmers have recognized powerful of TnrComm.Look some his unique features:?property Terminal:TCustomEdit; You can to create simple terminal very fast (through two mouse click). All typed symbols will be send to the port and all received information will be showing by the Terminal TMemo control;?property EventList:TEventList; The unlimited event list. It allow to set li

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文件 52716 2003-10-09 04:19 nrcomm.CAD
文件 521728 2003-10-09 04:24 DelphiCrack.exe
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574444 2
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文件 52716 2003-10-09 04:19 nrcomm.CAD
文件 521728 2003-10-09 04:24 DelphiCrack.exe
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574444 2
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