• 大小: 227KB
    文件类型: .rar
    金币: 2
    下载: 0 次
    发布日期: 2021-05-12
  • 语言: Html/CSS
  • 标签: 校园网  设计  


说明地址;http://www.pudn.com/Download/item/id/3670502.html;某高校现有两个地理位置分离的分校区,每个校区入网信息点有2000多个,现准备通过科教网接入因特网,但从科教网只申请到4个C类网络(——,为了安全,要求每个分校区的学生公寓子网和教师子网不在同一广播域。同时,学校有若干台应用服务器,同时对内和对外提供Web等网络服务。 (There are two separate campuses in a certain university. There are more than 2000 intranet information points in each campus. Now we are ready to access the Internet through the science and education network, but only 4 C networks ( - are applied from the science and education network. In order to be safe, the students' apartment network and the teacher subnet in each sub campus are not the same. Broadcast domain. At the same time, there are several application servers in the school, and Web and other Internet services are provided internally and externally.)



 属性            大小     日期    时间   名称
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     文件      60964  2018-07-05 21:17  校园网设计·.pkt

     文件     219648  2018-07-12 13:33  计网设计.doc

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