* DataTables example server-side processing script.
* Please note that this script is intentionally extremely simply to show how
* server-side processing can be implemented and probably shouldn‘t be used as
* the basis for a large complex system. It is suitable for simple use cases as
* for learning.
* See http://datatables.net/usage/server-side for full details on the server-
* side processing requirements of DataTables.
* @license MIT - http://datatables.net/license_mit
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Easy set variables
// DB table to use
$table = ‘massive‘;
// Table‘s primary key
$primaryKey = ‘id‘;
// Array of database columns which should be read and sent back to DataTables.
// The ‘db‘ parameter
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