本项目是基于sql server 2008+jsp+servlet+mvc设计模式实现的购物车系统,入门的好帮手,内附完整的项目源码与sql执行文件,添加即可运行!可以做毕业设计项目使用...
package com.xushouwei.controller;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.util.*;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import com.xushouwei.domain.Users;
import com.xushouwei.service.BooksService;
import com.xushouwei.service.MyCar;
import com.xushouwei.service.UsersService;
public class GoHallUI extends HttpServlet {
* The doGet method of the servlet.
* This method is called when a form has its tag value method equals to get.
* @param request the request send by the client to the server
* @param response the response send by the server to the client
* @throws ServletException if an error occurred
* @throws IOException if an error occurred
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException IOException {
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
BooksService booksService=new BooksService();
ArrayList al=booksService.getAllBook();
//MyCar myCar=new MyCar();
//request.getSession().setAttribute(“myCar“ myCar);
request.setAttribute(“books“ al);
request.getRequestDispatcher(“WEB-INF/hall.jsp“).forward(request response);
String uid=request.getParameter(“userid“);
String p=request.getParameter(“password“);
//Users loginUser=new Users();
Users loginUser=new Users(Integer.parseInt(uid)p);
UsersService usersService=new UsersService();
request.getSession().setAttribute(“loginUser“ loginUser);
BooksService booksService=new BooksService();
ArrayList al=booksService.getAllBook();
MyCar myCar=new MyCar();
request.getSession().setAttribute(“myCar“ myCar);
request.setAttribute(“books“ al);
request.getRequestDispatcher(“WEB-INF/hall.jsp“).forward(request response);
request.getRequestDispatcher(“WEB-INF/login.jsp“).forward(request response);
* The doPost method of the servlet.
* This method is called when a form has its tag value method equals to post.
* @param request the request send by the client to the server
* @param response the response send by the server to the client
* @throws ServletException if an error occur
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2015-08-06 21:48 shopCar\
文件 1093 2015-07-30 21:26 shopCar\.classpath
文件 1332 2015-07-30 21:38 shopCar\.project
目录 0 2015-08-06 21:48 shopCar\.settings\
文件 522 2015-07-30 21:26 shopCar\.settings\.jsdtscope
文件 364 2015-07-30 21:26 shopCar\.settings\org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
文件 480 2015-07-30 21:26 shopCar\.settings\org.eclipse.wst.common.component
文件 414 2015-07-30 21:26 shopCar\.settings\org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.xm
文件 49 2015-07-30 21:26 shopCar\.settings\org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.ui.superType.container
文件 6 2015-07-30 21:26 shopCar\.settings\org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.ui.superType.name
文件 2271 2015-08-02 20:36 shopCar\shopCar.sql
目录 0 2015-08-06 21:48 shopCar\src\
目录 0 2015-08-06 21:48 shopCar\src\com\
目录 0 2015-08-06 21:48 shopCar\src\com\xushouwei\
目录 0 2015-08-06 21:48 shopCar\src\com\xushouwei\controller\
文件 3690 2015-08-06 17:10 shopCar\src\com\xushouwei\controller\GoHallUI.java
文件 1947 2015-08-06 17:18 shopCar\src\com\xushouwei\controller\GoMyOrderServlet.java
文件 2006 2015-08-06 17:18 shopCar\src\com\xushouwei\controller\GoShowMyCar.java
文件 4064 2015-08-06 21:39 shopCar\src\com\xushouwei\controller\ShopClServlet.java
文件 2481 2015-08-06 21:31 shopCar\src\com\xushouwei\controller\SubmitOrderServlet.java
目录 0 2015-08-06 21:48 shopCar\src\com\xushouwei\domain\
文件 1174 2015-08-01 20:54 shopCar\src\com\xushouwei\domain\Books.java
文件 973 2015-08-01 20:23 shopCar\src\com\xushouwei\domain\Users.java
目录 0 2015-08-06 21:48 shopCar\src\com\xushouwei\service\
文件 1586 2015-08-06 17:15 shopCar\src\com\xushouwei\service\BooksService.java
文件 2061 2015-08-02 17:35 shopCar\src\com\xushouwei\service\MyCar.java
文件 2200 2015-08-06 17:57 shopCar\src\com\xushouwei\service\OrdersService.java
文件 5166 2015-08-06 21:29 shopCar\src\com\xushouwei\service\SendMail.java
文件 854 2015-08-01 20:23 shopCar\src\com\xushouwei\service\UsersService.java
目录 0 2015-08-06 21:48 shopCar\src\com\xushouwei\utils\
文件 2168 2015-08-05 17:50 shopCar\src\com\xushouwei\utils\DBUtil.java
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- 韩顺平jsp+servlet源码
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- Jsp_Servlet_中文API档.doc
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