unity图像人脸画面视觉识别系统插件OpenCV for Unity 2.3.4
所支持的Unity版本:5.6.6 及以上版本
Works with Unity Cloud Build
iOS & Android support
Windows10 UWP support
WebGL support
Win & Mac & Linux Standalone support
Preview support in the Editor
OpenCV for Unity is an Assets Plugin for using OpenCV 4.0.0 from within Unity.
- Since this package is a clone of OpenCV Java, you are able to use the same API as OpenCV Java 4.0.0 (link).
- You can image processing in real-time by using the WebCamTexture capabilities of Unity. (real-time face detection works smoothly on iPhone 5)
- Provides a method to interconversion of Unity's Texture2D and OpenCV's Mat.
- IDisposable is implemented in many classes.You can manage the resources with the “using” statement.
- Examples of integration with other publisher assets are available.(e.g. PlayMaker, NatCam, NatCorder)
ExampleCode using OpenCV for Unity is available.
MarkerBased AR Example
MarkerLess AR Example
FaceTracker Example
FaceSwapper Example
FaceMask Example
RealTime FaceRecognition Example
GoogleVR with OpenCV for Unity Example
Kinect with OpenCV for Unity Example
AVPro with OpenCV for Unity Example
HoloLens with OpenCV for Unity Example
PlayMakerActions for OpenCVforUnity
NatCam with OpenCVForUnity Example
NatCorder with OpenCVForUnity Example
MagicLeap with OpenCVForUnity Example
- 上一篇:c调用java的
- 下一篇:java课程设计 客房管理系统
- unity 捕捉异常和移动设备崩溃Android
- OpenCV_Java帮助文档3.0.CHM
- unity虚拟摇杆源码Windows和Android
- unity的滑动插件-- SwipeControl
- Java+OpenCV+OCR 图像字符处理
- Unity微信支付demo
- unity3D 蓝牙插件 iOS & Android
- 王者归来:opencv3使用Java开发手册代码
- Unity3D AR生存射击游戏 完整源码 AR S
- openCV java的API文档
- unity android obb
- Highlighting System V5.0
- Unity打开IOS/Android图库和相机获取相片
- Bluetooth LE for iOS and Android v2.3.unitypac
- Unity插件Bluetooth LE For iOS and Android
- unity解决android9.0 http请求会被拦截.z
- android基于opencv边缘检测
- Unity内嵌网页插件-unity-webview
- UnityDownloadAssistant-5.6.6f2
- Opencv android SDK 和Opencv Android Studio De
- Unity调用Android/IOS系统相册、摄像机,
- EasyMovieTexture 3.77-1.unitypackage
- Unity 手机震动插件Vibration
- Androidstudio和unity 交互 调用相机相册
- unity remote
- OpenCV 3.0 Computer Vision with Java.pdf
- unity通过usb连接艾茉森IQ-100电钢琴并接
- NatCorder - 1.7.1.zip
- AssetStudio
- Bluetooth LE for iOS tvOS and Android
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