//Author: ^-^ Veerle ^-^
//Download by http://www.codefans.net
public class objCellMatrix
private int[][] pieceMatrix = new int[8][8]; //Stores which piece is in a cell. 0 empty 1 red 2 blue
private int winningNumber = 0;
public void objCellMatrix ()
public void resetMatrix ()
for (int row = 0; row < 8; row++)
for (int column = 0; column < 8; column++)
if (row <= 2 || row >= 5) //row 012 or 567
pieceMatrix[row][column] = 0;
if (column <= 2 || column >= 5) //column 012 or 567
pieceMatrix[row][column] = 0;
if ((row == 3 && column == 3) || (row == 4 && column == 4)) //NW and SE of middle
pieceMatrix[row][column] = 2;
pieceMatrix[row][column] = 1;
public int getPieceCell (int row int column)
return pieceMatrix[row][column];
public void setPieceCell (int row int column int piece)
pieceMatrix[row][column] = piece;
public String calculateWinner (String[] strPlayerName)
int red = 0;
int blue = 0;
int currentCell = 0;
for (int row = 0; row < 8; row++)
for (int column = 0; column < 8; column++)
currentCell = pieceMatrix[row][column];
if (currentCell == 0)
else if (currentCell == 1)
if (red > blue)
return strPlayerName[0] + “ has won with a score of “ + red + “. “ + strPlayerName[1] + “ got “ + blue;
else if (blue > red)
return strPlayerName[1] + “ has won with a score of “ + blue + “. “ + strPlayerName[0] + “ got “ + red;
return “this game was a draw with both players getting a score of “ + blue;
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 173 2005-09-02 09:34 双人玩的Java五子棋游戏\coinBlue.gif
文件 173 2005-09-02 09:34 双人玩的Java五子棋游戏\coinRed.gif
文件 724 2009-12-04 09:56 双人玩的Java五子棋游戏\main_from.gif
文件 212 2010-03-26 10:01 双人玩的Java五子棋游戏\manifest.txt
文件 2028 2009-01-23 13:56 双人玩的Java五子棋游戏\objCellMatrix.java
文件 1242 2009-01-23 13:56 双人玩的Java五子棋游戏\objChessBoard.java
文件 1722 2009-01-23 13:56 双人玩的Java五子棋游戏\objCreateap
文件 11812 2009-01-23 13:56 双人玩的Java五子棋游戏\objMoveCheck.java
文件 10661 2005-09-17 21:39 双人玩的Java五子棋游戏\othello.jar
文件 5171 2009-01-23 13:56 双人玩的Java五子棋游戏\othello.java
文件 161 2005-09-17 21:36 双人玩的Java五子棋游戏\tile.gif
文件 6142 2009-01-23 13:56 双人玩的Java五子棋游戏\windowOthelloBoard.java
文件 694 2009-11-16 16:37 双人玩的Java五子棋游戏\使 用 说 明.txt
目录 0 2010-03-26 09:32 双人玩的Java五子棋游戏
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