import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
import java.awt.*;
* Decode handles the operation for the decode stage of pipelined execution.
class Decode extends Stage {
* holds the Rd of the last three instruction to detect hazards
private Vector hazardList;
* placeholder for an instruction that is stalled.
private Instruction instructionSave;
* saves the program counter for an instruction that is stalled.
private int savePC;
* indicates that a stall has been issued.
public boolean isStall;
* indicates that a stall has been detected.
public boolean stallflag;
* indicates whether branches are assumed taken (not used).
public boolean assumeBranchTaken;
* indicates whether a branch instruction was taken on its last execution.
public boolean branchPrediction;
* indicates whether forwarding is used.
public boolean forwarding;
* table used to predict branches (unused).
public Vector branchTable;
* initialzes the fields of the object
public Decode() {
instructionSave = new Instruction(“NOP“);
isStall = false;
assumeBranchTaken = true; // assume branches always taken (when prediction disabled)
hazardList = new Vector(3);
branchTable = new Vector();
hazardList.addElement(new Integer(0));
hazardList.addElement(new Integer(0));
hazardList.addElement(new Integer(0));
* process the current instruction. Implements the functionality of the decode stage of a pipeline.
* Uses a vector of instructions each of the other pipeline stages the register file and the
* ListBoxes object.
* @see Instruction
* @see Fetch
* @see Execute
* @see Memory
* @see WriteBack
* @see MemoryType
* @see Listboxes
public void step(Vector Instructions MemoryType regFile
Memory myMemory WriteBack myWriteBack
Fetch myFetch Execute myExecute ListBoxes lb) {
String str;
// if last instruction was stalled recall stalled instruction
if (PC==Instructions.size())
PC = -9; // this is actually a NOP received from Fetch
if (isStall == true) {
myInstruction = instructionSave;
PC = savePC;
//--Check for RAW hazards in pipeline; ignore NOP instructions-----
// check RAW hazard for rs
stallflag = false;
if ( ( ( (myExecute.myInstruction.opcode != 0) &&
(myExecute.myInstruction.flush == false) &&
((Integer) hazardList.elementAt(0) ).intValue() )) ||
( (myMemory.myInstruction.opcode != 0) &&
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 10904 2000-08-11 10:11 Decode.java
文件 6595 2000-08-11 10:11 Execute.java
文件 1819 2000-08-11 10:11 Fetch.java
文件 10524 2000-08-11 10:12 GUI.java
文件 2602 2000-08-11 10:12 Help.java
文件 9895 2000-08-11 10:12 Instruction.java
文件 4451 2000-08-11 10:12 ListBoxes.java
文件 2737 2000-08-11 10:12 Memory.java
文件 1168 2000-08-11 10:13 MemoryType.java
文件 4202 2000-08-11 10:13 Simulator.java
文件 843 2000-08-11 10:13 Stage.java
文件 5679 2000-08-11 10:13 Stages.java
文件 2578 2000-08-11 10:13 UI.java
文件 3772 2000-08-11 10:13 WriteBack.java
文件 7187 2000-09-07 12:08 mips.html
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