* Algorithm.java
* @author Juan J. Durillo
* @version 1.0
package jmetal.base ;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.*;
import jmetal.util.JMException;
/** This class implements a generic template for the algorithms developed in
* jmetal. Every algorithm must have a mapping between the parameters and
* and their names and another mapping between the operators and their names.
* The class declares an abstract method called execute
* defines the behavior of the algorithm.
public abstract class Algorithm implements Serializable {
* Stores the operators used by the algorithm such as selection crossover
* etc.
protected Map operators_ = null;
* Stores algorithm specific parameters. For example in NSGA-II these
* parameters include the population size and the maximum number of function
* evaluations.
protected Mapject> inputParameters_ = null;
* Stores output parameters which are retrieved by Main object to
* obtain information from an algorithm.
protected Mapject> outPutParameters_ = null;
* Launches the execution of an specific algorithm.
* @return a SolutionSet
that is a set of non dominated solutions
* as a result of the algorithm execution
public abstract SolutionSet execute() throws JMException ;
* Offers facilities for add new operators for the algorithm. To use an
* operator an algorithm has to obtain it through the
* getOperator
* @param name The operator name
* @param operator The operator
public void addOperator(String name Operator operator){
if (operators_ == null) {
operators_ = new HashMap();
} // addOperator
* Gets an operator through his name. If the operator doesn‘t exist or the name
* is wrong this method returns null. The client of this method have to check
* the result of the method.
* @param name The operator name
* @return The operator if exists null in another case.
public Operator getOperator(String name){
return operators_.get(name);
} // getOperator
* Sets an input parameter to an algorithm. Typically
* the method is invoked by a Main object before running an algorithm.
* The parameters have to been inserted using their name to access them through
* the getInputParameter
* @param name The parameter name
* @param object object that represent a parameter for the
* algorithm.
public void setInputParameter(String name object object){
if (inputParameters_ == null) {
inputParameters_ = new HashMapject>();
} // setInputParameter
* Gets an input parameter through its name. Typically
* the method is invoked by an object
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