package com.gqshao.file.io;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.RandomAccessFile;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class BufferedRandomAccessFile extends RandomAccessFile {
static final int LogBuffSz_ = 16; // 64K buffer
public static final int BuffSz_ = (1 << LogBuffSz_);
static final long BuffMask_ = ~(((long) BuffSz_) - 1L);
private String path_;
* This implementation is based on the buffer implementation in Modula-3‘s
* “Rd“ “Wr“ “RdClass“ and “WrClass“ interfaces.
private boolean dirty_; // true iff unflushed bytes exist
private boolean syncNeeded_; // dirty_ can be cleared by e.g. seek so track sync separately
private long curr_; // current position in file
private long lo_ hi_; // bounds on characters in “buff“
private byte[] buff_; // local buffer
private long maxHi_; // this.lo + this.buff.length
private boolean hitEOF_; // buffer contains last file block?
private long diskPos_; // disk position
* To describe the above fields we introduce the following abstractions for
* the file “f“:
* len(f) the length of the file curr(f) the current position in the file
* c(f) the abstract contents of the file disk(f) the contents of f‘s
* backing disk file closed(f) true iff the file is closed
* “curr(f)“ is an index in the closed interval [0 len(f)]. “c(f)“ is a
* character sequence of length “len(f)“. “c(f)“ and “disk(f)“ may differ if
* “c(f)“ contains unflushed writes not reflected in “disk(f)“. The flush
* operation has the effect of making “disk(f)“ identical to “c(f)“.
* A file is said to be *valid* if the following conditions hold:
* V1. The “closed“ and “curr“ fields are correct:
* f.closed == closed(f) f.curr == curr(f)
* V2. The current position is either contained in the buffer or just past
* the buffer:
* f.lo <= f.curr <= f.hi
* V3. Any (possibly) unflushed characters are stored in “f.buff“:
* (forall i in [f.lo f.curr): c(f)[i] == f.buff[i - f.lo])
* V4. For all characters not covered by V3 c(f) and disk(f) agree:
* (forall i in [f.lo len(f)): i not in [f.lo f.curr) => c(f)[i] ==
* disk(f)[i])
* V5. “f.dirty“ is true iff the buffer contains bytes that should be
* flushed to the file; by V3 and V4 only part of the buffer can be dirty.
* f.dirty == (exists i in [f.lo f.curr): c(f)[i] != f.buff[i - f.lo])
* V6. this.maxHi == this.lo + this.buff.length
* Note that “f.buff“ can be “null“ in a valid file since the range of
* characters in V3 is empty when “f.lo == f.curr“.
* A file is said to be *ready* if the buffer contai
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 3915 2016-01-17 20:31 FileUtil.java
文件 11624 2016-01-17 20:29 BufferedRandomAccessFile.java
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