Program Input
Each line of the input file (prob12.in) contains a series of numbers and operators. The program must evaluate these lines as RPN expressions. All tokens are separated by one or more spaces. Numbers may be negative. Valid operators are +(addition), -(subtraction), *(multiplication) and /(division). The last line of the file contains only the word END:
16 3 7 + *
4 32.125 13 – * 20 +
5 –3 * 4 2 / 6 3 1 – / + +
Program Output
The program will print the computed result of each RPN expression on a separate line.
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
public class RPNcalculator {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String fileName=“RPNInput.txt“;
String fileName2=“RPNOutput.txt“;
Scanner inputStream = null;
PrintWriter outputStream = null;
inputStream = new Scanner(new File(fileName)); //try to open the file
catch(Exception e){
System.out.println(“Could not open the file named “+ fileName); // if it doesn‘t find it tell them
System.exit(0); // and then exit.
outputStream = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(fileName2true)); //try to create the file
catch(Exception e){
System.out.println(“Could not open the file named “+ fileName2); // if it doesn‘t find it tell them
System.exit(0); // and then exit.
String equation = inputStream.nextLine();
if (equation==null) break;
Stack tks = new Stack
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