import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
//0:24 2013/1/13
* This class models a coffee product. It extends
* {@link Product} and adds the following information:
* - the origin of the coffee a
* - the roast of the coffee a
* - the flavor of the coffee a
* - the aroma of the coffee a
* - the acidity of the coffee a
* - the body of the product a
* @author author name
* @version 1.0.0
* @see Product
public class Coffee extends Product {
/* Origin of the coffee. */
private String origin;
/* Roast of the coffee. */
private String roast;
/* Flavor of the coffee. */
private String flavor;
/* Aroma of the coffee. */
private String aroma;
/* Acidity of the coffee.*/
private String acidity;
/* Body of the coffee */
private String body;
* Constructs a Coffee
* @param initialCode the code of the product.
* @param initialDescription a short description of the product.
* @param initialPrice the price of the product.
* @param initialOrigin the origin of coffee.
* @param initialRoast the kind of roast of the coffee.
* @param initialFlavor the flavor of the coffee.
* @param initialAroma the aroma of the coffee.
* @param initialAcidity the acidity of the coffee.
* @param initialBody the body of the coffee.
public Coffee(String initialCode String initialDescription
double initialPrice String initialOrigin
String initialRoast String initialFlavor
String initialAroma String initialAcidity
String initialBody) {
super(initialCode initialDescription initialPrice);
origin = initialOrigin;
roast = initialRoast;
flavor = initialFlavor;
aroma = initialAroma;
acidity = initialAcidity;
body = initialBody;
* Returns the origin of this coffee.
* @return the origin of this coffee.
public String getOrigin() {
return origin;
* Returns the roast of this coffee.
* @return the roast of this coffee.
public String getRoast() {
return roast;
* Returns the flavor of this coffee.
* @return the flavor of this coffee.
public String getFlavor() {
return flavor;
* Returns the aroma of this coffee.
* @return the aroma of this coffee.
public String getAroma() {
return aroma;
* Returns the acidity of this coffee.
* @return the acidity of this coffee.
public String getAcidity() {
return acidity;
* Returns the body of this coffee.
* @return the body of this coffee.
public String getBody() {
return body;
* Returns the string representation of this coffee.
* @return the string re
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 5010 2013-01-13 00:24 ex7\Coffee.java
文件 4120 2013-01-13 00:22 ex7\CoffeeBrewer.java
文件 3690 2013-01-13 00:24 ex7\Product.java
目录 0 2013-01-13 00:20 ex7
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12820 4
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