java 图像识别技术Tess4J -3.4.2版本相关Jar包和代码
* JDeskew
package com.recognition.software.jdeskew;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
public class ImageDeskew {
* Representation of a line in the image.
public class HoughLine {
// count of points in the line
public int count = 0;
// index in matrix.
public int index = 0;
// the line is represented as all x y that solve y * cos(alpha) - x *
// sin(alpha) = d
public double alpha;
public double d;
// the source image
private BufferedImage cImage;
// the range of angles to search for lines
private double cAlphaStart = -20;
private double cAlphaStep = 0.2;
private int cSteps = 40 * 5;
// pre-calculation of sin and cos
private double[] cSinA;
private double[] cCosA;
// range of d
private double cDMin;
private double cDStep = 1.0;
private int cDCount;
// count of points that fit in a line
private int[] cHMatrix;
// constructor
public ImageDeskew(BufferedImage image) {
this.cImage = image;
// calculate the skew angle of the image cImage
public double getSkewAngle() {
ImageDeskew.HoughLine[] hl;
double sum = 0.0;
int count = 0;
// perform Hough Transformation
// top 20 of the detected lines in the image
hl = getTop(20);
if (hl.length >= 20) {
// average angle of the lines
for (int i = 0; i < 19; i++) {
sum += hl[i].alpha;
return (sum / count);
} else {
return 0.0d;
// calculate the count lines in the image with most points
private ImageDeskew.HoughLine[] getTop(int count) {
ImageDeskew.HoughLine[] hl = new ImageDeskew.HoughLine[count];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
hl[i] = new ImageDeskew.HoughLine();
ImageDeskew.HoughLine tmp;
for (int i = 0; i < (this.cHMatrix.length - 1); i++) {
if (this.cHMatrix[i] > hl[count - 1].count) {
hl[count - 1].count = this.cHMatrix[i];
hl[count - 1].index = i;
int j = count - 1;
while ((j > 0) && (hl[j].count > hl[j - 1].count)) {
tmp = hl[j];
hl[j] = hl[j - 1];
hl[j - 1] = tmp;
int alphaIndex;
int dIndex;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
dIndex = hl[i].index / cSteps; // integer division no
// remainder
alphaIndex = hl[i].index - dIndex * cSteps;
hl[i].alpha = getAlpha(alphaIndex);
hl[i].d = dIndex + cDMin;
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 144240 2017-05-29 11:51 3.4.2111相关Jar包和代码1\Tess4J\lib\jboss-vfs-3.2.12.Final.jar
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文件 914597 2016-05-16 18:18 3.4.2111相关Jar包和代码1\Tess4J\lib\jna-4.1.0.jar
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文件 23645 2017-03-21 19:29 3.4.2111相关Jar包和代码1\Tess4J\lib\log4j-over-slf4j-1.7.25.jar
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文件 16789504 2017-10-04 10:24 3.4.2111相关Jar包和代码1\Tess4J\lib\win32-x86\gsdll32.dll
文件 2224128 2017-10-12 08:02 3.4.2111相关Jar包和代码1\Tess4J\lib\win32-x86\libtesseract3051.dll
文件 18541568 2017-10-04 10:22 3.4.2111相关Jar包和代码1\Tess4J\lib\win32-x86-64\gsdll64.dll
文件 2860032 2017-10-12 08:02 3.4.2111相关Jar包和代码1\Tess4J\lib\win32-x86-64\libtesseract3051.dll
文件 601866 2014-11-20 05:54 3.4.2111相关Jar包和代码1\Tess4J\lib\xm
文件 81334 2017-10-12 08:00 3.4.2111相关Jar包和代码1\Tess4J\nbproject\build-impl.xm
文件 475 2017-10-12 08:00 3.4.2111相关Jar包和代码1\Tess4J\nbproject\genfiles.properties
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