The JDK is a development environment for building applications using the Java programming language.
The JDK includes tools useful for developing and testing programs written in the Java programming language and running on the JavaTM platform.
WARNING: These older versions of the JRE and JDK are provided to help developers debug issues in older systems. They are not updated with the latest security patches and are not recommended for use in production.
For production use Oracle recommends downloading the latest JDK and JRE versions and allowing auto-update.
Only developers and Enterprise administrators should download these releases.
Downloading these releases requires an oracle.com account. If you don't have an oracle.com account you can use the links on the top of this page to learn more about it and register for one for free.
- JAVA 环境安装包 jdk-jar-8u261-windows-x6
- docker离线部署jdk
- jdk-7u45和jre-7u71.zip
- jdk 1.7 64位安装包+安装过程
- JDK1.7.0_25.zip
- JDK1.7的最新安装包jdk-7u271-linux
- openJDK1.7/Java Development Kit7
- local_policy.jar和US_export_policy.jar java解密
- Windows Installer Cleanup Utility
- okhttp3.8源码使用jdk1.6重新编译
- 简易图像相似度计算器 jdk1.5版
- Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) 无限强度
- jdk-10.0.2_windows-x64_bin.exe228054
- unity2017环境 Android SDK与JDK
- Java开发软件整理Maven、Eclipse、JDK8、
- windows jdk1.8jdk11
- java jdk demo
- json-lib-2.1-jdk15.jar
- java_jdk_api
- java混淆jocky,不限jdk版本
- json-lib-2.4-jdk15-sources.jar
- jdk-8u221-linux-x64.tar.gz
- weixin-java-tools-1.3.3(jdk1.6版本编译)
- dom4j-2.1.3.jar
- jdk1.8+eclipse4.8+tomcat8.5.zip
- android studio2.0 jdk1.8
- okhttp3.8.0-jdk1.6.zip
- 2020年最新javaSE教程的,java零基础入门
- json-lib-2.3-jdk15.jar包
- jdk12百度网盘地址
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