Installation notes for the J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 (JRE), including system requirements and installation instructions, are available for the following platforms.
Platform 32-bit Installation 64-bit Installation
Solaris Operating System JRE for Solaris JRE for Solaris 64-bit
Microsoft Windows JRE for Windows JRE for Windows 64-bit
Linux JRE for Linux JRE for Linux 64-bit
Related link: J2SE Development Kit 5.0 Installation Notes
- jre-6u20-windows-i586.exe
- JRE1.5.0.08
- jre-6u29-windows-x64.exe
- jrebel tomcat热部署
- jdk1.7.0_79 中rt.jar
- jre6.23_windows_x64绝版资源6版本
- jre1.8.0_112 java源码
- 64位jre1.8.0
- jre-8u261-linux-x64.tar.gz
- JDK-7u80-Windows-x32
- jdk1.8.0_181.zip
- jre1.8 32位
- jre-8u161-macosx-x64.dmg
- jre1.8.0.zip
- java jdk1.7(含jre)免安装版Part1
- jre1.8.0_191
- Java Runtime Environment1.8.0
- JAVA 环境安装包 jdk-jar-8u261-windows-x6
- 教你用 exe4j 将 jar 转化为 exe ,并且可
- jdk-7u45和jre-7u71.zip
- jre-8u112-linux-x64.tar.gz
- mssql-jdbc-6.4.0.jre8.jar
- mssql-jdbc-6.4.0.jre7.jar
- JAVA操作注册表的JNI库和JAR包jRegistry
- JDK8u201全版本包含jre
- GreenJVMMake
- java11百度云包含win、liniux、mac各种版
- jre包jsse.jar jce.jar dnsns.jar charsets.jar的
- mssql-jdbc-6.4.0.jre9.jar
- dns_sd.jar
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