// Name.java
// Printing “Sean Santry“ using Unicode.
// Java core packages
import java.awt.*;
// Java extension packages
import javax.swing.*;
public class Name extends Jframe {
private JLabel uppercaselowercase;
// Name constructor
public Name()
super( “Demonstrating Name“ );
// get content pane and set its layout
Container container = getContentPane();
container.setLayout( new FlowLayout () );
// JLabel constructor with a string argument
uppercase = new JLabel( “\u0053\u0045\u0041\u004E\u0020“ +
“\u0053\u0041\u004E\u0054\u0052\u0059“ );
uppercase.setToolTipText( “ALL UPPERCASE“ );
container.add( uppercase );
lowercase = new JLabel( “\u0073\u0065\u0061\u006E\u0020“ +
“\u0073\u0061\u006E\u0074\u0072\u0079“ );
lowercase.setToolTipText( “all lowercase“ );
container.add( lowercase );
setSize( 145 75 );
setVisible( true );
} // end Name constructor
// execute application
public static void main( String args[] )
Name application = new Name();
} // end method main
} // end class Name
* (C) Copyright 1992-2003 by Deitel & Associates Inc. and *
* Prentice Hall. All Rights Reserved. *
* *
* DISCLAIMER: The authors and publisher of this book have used their *
* best efforts in preparing the book. These efforts include the *
* development research and testing of the theories and programs *
* to determine their effectiveness. The authors and publisher make *
* no warranty of any kind expressed or implied with regard to these *
* programs or to the documentation contained in these books. The authors *
* and publisher shall not be liable in any event for incidental or *
* consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the *
* furnishing performance or use of these programs. *
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2010-11-07 16:21 java5-examples\
目录 0 2010-11-07 16:21 java5-examples\appG\
文件 1056 2001-07-04 13:36 java5-examples\appG\Name.class
文件 2381 2002-11-22 12:05 java5-examples\appG\Name.java
文件 1879 2001-07-04 10:23 java5-examples\appG\Unicode.class
文件 3984 2002-11-22 12:06 java5-examples\appG\Unicode.java
目录 0 2010-11-07 16:21 java5-examples\ch02\
目录 0 2010-11-07 16:21 java5-examples\ch02\ex02_06\
文件 938 2002-11-11 16:27 java5-examples\ch02\ex02_06\Product.class
文件 2100 2002-10-17 08:25 java5-examples\ch02\ex02_06\Product.java
目录 0 2010-11-07 16:21 java5-examples\ch02\fig02_01\
文件 438 2002-11-11 16:27 java5-examples\ch02\fig02_01\Welcome1.class
文件 1387 2002-09-11 11:41 java5-examples\ch02\fig02_01\Welcome1.java
目录 0 2010-11-07 16:21 java5-examples\ch02\fig02_03\
文件 474 2002-11-11 16:27 java5-examples\ch02\fig02_03\Welcome2.class
文件 1444 2002-09-12 08:15 java5-examples\ch02\fig02_03\Welcome2.java
目录 0 2010-11-07 16:21 java5-examples\ch02\fig02_04\
文件 438 2002-11-11 16:27 java5-examples\ch02\fig02_04\Welcome3.class
文件 1413 2002-09-12 08:15 java5-examples\ch02\fig02_04\Welcome3.java
目录 0 2010-11-07 16:21 java5-examples\ch02\fig02_06\
文件 462 2002-11-11 16:28 java5-examples\ch02\fig02_06\Welcome4.class
文件 1580 2002-10-17 08:00 java5-examples\ch02\fig02_06\Welcome4.java
目录 0 2010-11-07 16:21 java5-examples\ch02\fig02_09\
文件 918 2002-11-11 16:28 java5-examples\ch02\fig02_09\Addition.class
文件 2426 2002-10-17 08:04 java5-examples\ch02\fig02_09\Addition.java
目录 0 2010-11-07 16:21 java5-examples\ch02\fig02_20\
文件 1258 2002-11-11 16:28 java5-examples\ch02\fig02_20\Comparison.class
文件 3020 2002-11-10 13:44 java5-examples\ch02\fig02_20\Comparison.java
目录 0 2010-11-07 16:21 java5-examples\ch03\
目录 0 2010-11-07 16:21 java5-examples\ch03\fig03_06\
文件 414 2002-11-11 17:49 java5-examples\ch03\fig03_06\Welcomeap
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