随着经济全球化、管理现代化的到来,信息化建设已提到议事日程。国家机关、高等院校、参与国际竞争的大企业等企事业单位为了提高现代化管理水平、为了在激烈的市场竞争中获胜,纷纷不同程度地加强信息化建设,如组建自己的局域网、实施适用本单位或本部门的企业级MIS(管理信息系统)项目或ERP(企业资源计划)项目,通过Internet向外发布信息等。因此,如何将计算机技术和网络技术运用于企业管理,形成基于Web的办公自动化系统(Office Automation System,简称OAS),成为我们重要的开发项目之一。
基于此,本文研究的就是利用Sun公司推出的比较优秀的Web服务器端应用程序开发技术JSP设计和STRUTS架构以及东软公司开发的通用企业开发平台UniEAP架构与实现的日程安排管理系统(Scheduler Managements System,简称SMS)。本文首先对办公自动化系统和日程安排管理系统进行了详尽的阐述,充分的展示了日程安排对企业的重要性,并在详细的需求调研后对日程安排管理系统进行分析,设计了此系统的整体结构和功能模块,即日程安排管理系统分成了个人设置模块、日程查询模块、个人日程模块和他人日程四大功能模块,在各模块下又下设了详细功能子模块,并进行了数据库设计与连接。接下来,本文又详细介绍了基于Web的日程安排管理系统的最终实现方法。
关键词 办公自动化,JSP,STRUTS,UniEAP,日程安排管理系统
Country Resource of Office Automatization System
Under global economy and modern administration’s requirement, the information processing is becoming more and more important. In order to improve their ability of administration and to catch the step of market, many Governments, enterprises and Educational gradually realize the significance of the information processing and begin to upgrade it. For example, to organize their own Local area network, or to perform MIS (Management Information System) or ERP (Enterprises Recourse Platform), witch according to their actual condition. How to use computer and Internet in enterprise management, enterprise alliance and distributed departments, building enterprise OAS (Office Automation System) based on web, it becomes our research direction.
So, the author will use the technology base on Web available of JSP which produced by Sun design and STRUTS impracticable and UniEAP of neusoft implementation of the SMS (Scheduler Managements System). In this article, OAS and SMS are explicated detailed, Human resource managements are so important that it can decide a corporation’s fortune. The author divides the scheduler managements system into four parts: the deal with setting of person operations, the synthesis of query, the schedule of person and the schedule of other person awarding on which four parts data-b
package com.neusoft.coa.calendarplan.action;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import org.apache.commons.collections.SequencedHashMap;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
import com.neusoft.businessconsole.tools.Globals;
import com.neusoft.coa.calendarplan.interaction.CalendarPlanInteractionImpl;
import com.neusoft.coa.common.base.action.COAbaseAction;
import com.neusoft.coa.common.util.COARequestEnvelope;
import com.neusoft.coa.common.util.COAResponseEnvelope;
import com.neusoft.coa.misc.COAEcsConfig;
import com.neusoft.coa.misc.COAKey;
import com.neusoft.unieap.service.exception.GlobalErrorCode;
import com.neusoft.unieap.util.RequestUtil;
import com.neusoft.unieap.util.ResponseUtil;
import com.neusoft.unieap.util.datastore.DataStore;
* @author 何盼 he.p@neusoft.com
* @version 1.0.0 处理日程安排部分的增加,个人设置的创建、保存,共享人员的增加。
public class CalendarPlanAction extends COAbaseAction {
* Description:TODO 打开日程查询页面
* @param mapping
* @param form
* @param request
* @param respons
* @return
* @throws Exception
public ActionForward calbook(ActionMapping mappingActionForm formHttpServletRequest request
HttpServletResponse respons ) throws Exception{
return mapping.findForward(“success“);
* Description:TODO 打开日程增加页面
* @param mapping
* @param form
* @param request
* @param respons
* @return
* @throws Exception
public ActionForward addbook(ActionMapping mappingActionForm formHttpServletRequest request
HttpServletResponse respons ) throws Exception{
String personID = (String)request.getParameter(“personID“);
return mapping.findForward(“addbook“);
* Description:TODO 打开编辑日程页面
* @param mapping
* @param form
* @param request
* @param respons
* @return
* @throws Exception
public ActionForward editbook(ActionMapping mappingActionForm formHttpServletRequest request
HttpServletResponse respons ) throws Exception{
String personID = (String)request.getParameter(“personID“);
return mapping.findForward(“editbook“);
* 增加日程
public ActionForward AddRecord(ActionMapping mapping ActionForm form HttpServletRequest request
HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
RequestUtil requestUtil = new RequestUtil(request);
ResponseUtil responseUtil = new ResponseUtil(response);
SequencedHashMap dataStores = null;
// 获取前台数据窗体里的
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 83062 2006-05-08 21:43 张宇\3.doc
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文件 687104 2006-05-21 14:12 张宇\毕业论文.ppt
文件 19627 2006-06-06 19:33 张宇\程序\config配置文件\coa-config.xm
目录 0 2006-06-29 13:33 张宇\程序\config配置文件
文件 18494 2006-05-11 17:36 张宇\程序\java文件\CalendarPlanAction.java
文件 19143 2006-05-08 08:50 张宇\程序\java文件\CalendarPlanApplogic.java
文件 23708 2006-05-11 17:04 张宇\程序\java文件\CalendarPlanInteractionImpl.java
文件 6923 2006-04-26 12:18 张宇\程序\java文件\Datetime.java
文件 1917 2006-04-22 10:44 张宇\程序\java文件\ICalendarPlanInteraction.java
目录 0 2006-06-29 13:32 张宇\程序\java文件
文件 7597 2006-06-08 13:19 张宇\程序\jsp文件\calbook.jsp
文件 25822 2006-06-08 12:20 张宇\程序\jsp文件\calendar.jsp
文件 7892 2006-06-08 13:31 张宇\程序\jsp文件\calendaradd.jsp
文件 7033 2006-06-08 13:02 张宇\程序\jsp文件\calendaredit.jsp
文件 4867 2006-06-08 12:23 张宇\程序\jsp文件\othermanselect.jsp
文件 6495 2006-06-08 13:01 张宇\程序\jsp文件\personsetting.jsp
文件 5385 2006-06-08 12:17 张宇\程序\jsp文件\planquery.jsp
文件 907 2006-05-11 17:42 张宇\程序\jsp文件\twicefr
目录 0 2006-06-29 13:33 张宇\程序\jsp文件
目录 0 2006-06-29 13:33 张宇\程序
文件 70144 2006-06-29 13:30 张宇\英文翻译\英文翻译.doc
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目录 0 2006-06-29 13:40 张宇
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