Paperback: 214 pages
Publisher: Packt Publishing (February 24, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1784390593
ISBN-13: 978-1784390594
Discover Security Enhancements (SE) for Android to build your own protected Android-based systems
About This Book
Learn the fundamental security models and motivations behind Linux, SELinux, and SE for Android.
Build and enable current security enhancements from the SE for Android project onto a working embedded UDOO board.
Discover how to leverage SE for Android to secure your own projects in powerful ways using this step by step guide.
Who This Book Is For
This book is intended for developers and engineers with some familiarity of operating system concepts as implemented by Linux. A basic background in C code would be helpful. Their positions range from hobbyists wanting to secure their Android powered creations to OEM engineers building handsets to engineers of emerging areas where Android is seeing growth.
What You Will Learn
Experiment with Linux and SELinux access controls
Build custom Android kernels
Backport SE for Android patches to different Android versions
Explore binder and property services, what they are, and how and why SELinux integrates them
Work with Android core internal systems like init and zygote
Learn how to keep pace with and navigate the details of fast moving open source projects
Overcome obstacles in policy development through directed experimentation
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