* This class was automatically generated by the
* aapt tool from the resource data it found. It
* should not be modified by hand.
package com.example.android.BluetoothChat;
public final class R {
public static final class attr {
public static final class drawable {
public static final int bj=0x7f020000;
public static final int bj2=0x7f020001;
public static final int bj3=0x7f020002;
public static final int icon=0x7f020003;
public static final class id {
public static final int button_scan=0x7f060006;
public static final int button_send=0x7f060009;
public static final int closebluetooth=0x7f06000f;
public static final int discoverable=0x7f06000e;
public static final int edit_text_out=0x7f060008;
public static final int exit=0x7f060011;
public static final int in=0x7f060007;
public static final int new_devices=0x7f060005;
public static final int openbluetooth=0x7f06000c;
public static final int paired_devices=0x7f060003;
public static final int query=0x7f06000a;
public static final int record=0x7f060010;
public static final int returnButton=0x7f06000b;
public static final int scan=0x7f06000d;
public static final int title_left_text=0x7f060000;
public static final int title_new_devices=0x7f060004;
public static final int title_paired_devices=0x7f060002;
public static final int title_right_text=0x7f060001;
public static final class layout {
public static final int custom_title=0x7f030000;
public static final int device_list=0x7f030001;
public static final int device_name=0x7f030002;
public static final int information=0x7f030003;
public static final int main=0x7f030004;
public static final int message=0x7f030005;
public static final int record_list=0x7f030006;
public static final class menu {
public static final int option_menu=0x7f050000;
public static final class string {
public static final int app_name=0x7f040000;
public static final int backtomain=0x7f040007;
public static final int bt_not_enabled_leaving=0x7f040003;
public static final int button_scan=0x7f04000e;
public static final int closebluetooth=0x7f040013;
/** Options Menu
public static final int connect=0x7f04000f;
public static final int discoverable=0x7f040010;
public static final int exit=0x7f040012;
public static final int none_found=0x7f04000b;
public static final int none_paired=0x7f04000a;
public static final int not_connected=0x7f040002;
public static final int openbluetooth=0x7f040011;
public static final int record=0x7f040014;
/** DeviceLi
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2013-05-16 14:31 BluetoothChat\
文件 280 2013-05-16 11:22 BluetoothChat\.classpath
文件 849 2013-05-16 11:22 BluetoothChat\.project
文件 0 2013-05-16 14:06 BluetoothChat\AndroidManifest.out.xm
文件 1435 2013-05-23 21:55 BluetoothChat\AndroidManifest.xm
目录 0 2013-06-20 23:22 BluetoothChat\assets\
目录 0 2013-06-20 23:22 BluetoothChat\bin\
文件 918850 2013-06-20 23:22 BluetoothChat\bin\BluetoothChat.apk
文件 28692 2013-06-20 23:22 BluetoothChat\bin\classes.dex
目录 0 2013-06-20 23:22 BluetoothChat\bin\com\
目录 0 2013-06-20 23:22 BluetoothChat\bin\com\example\
目录 0 2013-06-20 23:22 BluetoothChat\bin\com\example\android\
目录 0 2013-06-20 23:22 BluetoothChat\bin\com\example\android\BluetoothChat\
文件 1464 2013-06-20 23:22 BluetoothChat\bin\com\example\android\BluetoothChat\BluetoothChat$1.class
文件 4631 2013-06-20 23:22 BluetoothChat\bin\com\example\android\BluetoothChat\BluetoothChat$2.class
文件 1254 2013-06-20 23:22 BluetoothChat\bin\com\example\android\BluetoothChat\BluetoothChat$3.class
文件 8882 2013-06-20 23:22 BluetoothChat\bin\com\example\android\BluetoothChat\BluetoothChat.class
文件 2854 2013-06-20 23:22 BluetoothChat\bin\com\example\android\BluetoothChat\BluetoothChatService$AcceptThread.class
文件 2689 2013-06-20 23:22 BluetoothChat\bin\com\example\android\BluetoothChat\BluetoothChatService$ConnectThread.class
文件 2620 2013-06-20 23:22 BluetoothChat\bin\com\example\android\BluetoothChat\BluetoothChatService$ConnectedThread.class
文件 6035 2013-06-20 23:22 BluetoothChat\bin\com\example\android\BluetoothChat\BluetoothChatService.class
文件 2346 2013-06-20 23:22 BluetoothChat\bin\com\example\android\BluetoothChat\DeviceListActivity$1.class
文件 1261 2013-06-20 23:22 BluetoothChat\bin\com\example\android\BluetoothChat\DeviceListActivity$2$1.class
文件 3134 2013-06-20 23:22 BluetoothChat\bin\com\example\android\BluetoothChat\DeviceListActivity$2.class
文件 955 2013-06-20 23:22 BluetoothChat\bin\com\example\android\BluetoothChat\DeviceListActivity$3.class
文件 5335 2013-06-20 23:22 BluetoothChat\bin\com\example\android\BluetoothChat\DeviceListActivity.class
文件 385 2013-06-20 23:22 BluetoothChat\bin\com\example\android\BluetoothChat\R$attr.class
文件 525 2013-06-20 23:22 BluetoothChat\bin\com\example\android\BluetoothChat\R$drawable.class
文件 1031 2013-06-20 23:22 BluetoothChat\bin\com\example\android\BluetoothChat\R$id.class
文件 646 2013-06-20 23:22 BluetoothChat\bin\com\example\android\BluetoothChat\R$layout.class
文件 440 2013-06-20 23:22 BluetoothChat\bin\com\example\android\BluetoothChat\R$menu.class
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