大小: 4.42MB文件类型: .zip金币: 2下载: 0 次发布日期: 2023-09-21
- 语言: Java
- 标签: apachehttp
org.apache.http的相关类,android高版本SDK需要用到,解决'The import org.apache.http.HttpEntity cannot be resolved'>等问题:
> ★org.apache.http.NameValuePair. Fix the build path then try building this project
> ★The type org.apache.http.NameValuePair cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class
> ★BasicNameValuePair cannot be resolved to a type
> ★HttpPost cannot be resolved to a type
> ★NameValuePair cannot be resolved to a type
> ★HttpClient cannot be resolved to a type
> ★Http cannot be resolved to a variable
> ★HttpEntity cannot be resolved to a type
> ★EntityUtils cannot be resolved
> ★HttpResponse cannot be resolved to a type
> ★DefaultHttpClient cannot be resolved to a type
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 1661520 2018-04-24 13:46 httpcomponents-client-4.5.5-src(源码文件).zip
文件 3228883 2018-04-24 13:49 httpcomponents-client-4.5.5-bin(jar文件).zip
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文件 1661520 2018-04-24 13:46 httpcomponents-client-4.5.5-src(源码文件).zip
文件 3228883 2018-04-24 13:49 httpcomponents-client-4.5.5-bin(jar文件).zip
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