• 大小: 10.94MB
    文件类型: .zip
    金币: 2
    下载: 0 次
    发布日期: 2023-10-07
  • 语言: Java
  • 标签: itextsharp  c#  pdf  编辑  


iText is a PDF library that allows you to CREATE, ADAPT, INSPECT and MAINTAIN documents in the Portable Document Format (PDF): - Generate documents and reports based on data from an XML file or a database - Create maps and books, exploiting numerous interactive features available in PDF - Add bookmarks, page numbers, watermarks, and other features to existing PDF documents - Split or concatenate pages from existing PDF files - Fill out interactive forms - Serve dynamically generated or manipulated PDF documents to a web browser iText is used by Java, .NET, Android and GAE developers to enhance their applications with PDF functionality. iTextSharp is the .NET port. Several iText engineers are actively supporting the project on on StackOverflow: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/itext IMPORTANT NOTICE: AS OF 2016-03-14, ITEXTSHARP DOWNLOADS AND SOURCE CODE WILL ONLY BE AVAILABLE ON GITHUB: http://github.com/itext



 属性            大小     日期    时间   名称
----------- ---------  ---------- -----  ----
     文件     1769473  2016-10-07 20:33  itextsharp-dll-core-wo_Drawing.zip
     文件     1771237  2016-10-07 20:33  itextsharp-dll-core.zip
     文件       25336  2016-10-07 20:33  itextsharp-dll-pdfa.zip
     文件       31881  2016-10-07 20:33  itextsharp-dll-xtra.zip
     文件     3739777  2016-10-07 20:33  itextsharp-src-core.zip
     文件       63957  2016-10-07 20:33  itextsharp-src-pdfa.zip
     文件      115576  2016-10-07 20:33  itextsharp-src-xtra.zip
     文件        1446  2016-02-03 18:19  notice.txt
     文件        1323  2016-10-07 12:58  BUILDING.md
     文件        8985  2016-10-07 12:58  CONTRIBUTING.md
     文件        2055  2016-10-07 12:58  LICENSE.md
     文件        1497  2016-10-07 12:58  README.md
     文件       69871  2016-10-07 12:58  itextsharp-dll-xmlworker.zip
     文件      354535  2016-10-07 12:58  itextsharp-src-xmlworker.zip
     文件     3768240  2016-10-07 13:00  itextsharp.xfaworker-dll-5.5.10.zip


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