Spring 5 Design Patterns is for all Java developers who want to learn Spring for the
enterprise application. Therefore, enterprise Java developers will find it particularly
useful in the understanding of design patterns used by the Spring Framework and
how it solves common design problems in the enterprise application, and they will
fully appreciate the examples presented in this book. Before reading this book,
readers should have basic knowledge of Core Java, JSP, Servlet, and XML.
Spring 5 Framework is newly launched by Pivotal with reactive programming.
Spring 5 introduces many new features and enhancements from its previous version.
We will discuss all this in the book. Spring 5 Design Patterns will give you in-depth
insight about the Spring Framework.
The great part of today's Spring Framework is that all companies have already taken
it as a primary framework for development of the enterprise application. For Spring,
no external enterprise server is needed to start working with it.
The goals of writing this book are to discuss all design patterns used behind the
Spring Framework and how they are implemented in the Spring Framework. Here,
the author has also given you some best practices that must be used in the design and
development of the application.
The book contains 12 chapters that cover everything from the basics to more
complex design pattern such as reactive programming.
Spring 5 Design Patterns is divided into three sections. The first section introduces
you to the essentials of the design patterns and the Spring Framework. The second
section steps behind the front end and shows where Spring fits in the back end of an
application. The third section expands on this by showing how to build web
applications with Spring and introducing a new feature of the Spring 5 reactive
programming. This part also shows how to handle concurrency in the enterprise
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 7060935 2018-10-12 16:01 Spring 5 Design Patterns_Master efficient application development with patterns such as proxy singleton the template method and more-Packt Publishing(2017).pdf
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文件 7060935 2018-10-12 16:01 Spring 5 Design Patterns_Master efficient application development with patterns such as proxy singleton the template method and more-Packt Publishing(2017).pdf
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