大小: 5.88MB文件类型: .pdf金币: 1下载: 0 次发布日期: 2023-10-13
- 语言: Java
- 标签: Data Structures Algorithms
This book is based upon the book Data Structures and Algorithms in Java by Goodrich and Tamassia, and the related Data Structures and Algorithms in C++ by Goodrich, Tamassia, and Mount. However, this book is not simply a translation of those other books to Python. In adapting the material for this book, we have significantly redesigned the organization and content of the book as follows:
• The code base has been entirely redesigned to take advantage of the features of Python, such as use of generators for iterating elements of a collection.
• Many algorithms that were presented as pseudo-code in the Java and C++
versions are directly presented as complete Python code.
• In general, ADTs are defined to have consistent interface with Python’s built-
in data types and those in Python’s collections module.
• Chapter 5 provides an in-depth exploration of the dynamic array-based un-
derpinnings of Python’s built-in list, tuple, and str classes. New Appendix A
serves as an additional reference regarding the functionality of the str class.
• Over 450 illustrations have been created or revised.
• New and revised exercises bring the overall total number to 750.
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