普通用户 :浏览门票 查询门票 订票 在线注册 管理员: 查看订票信息 管理门票信息 管理订票信息 管理注册用户 统计售票信息 管理系统用户
package com.action;
* 会员注册、修改资料等
* @author Administrator
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.List;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import com.bean.MemberBean;
import com.bean.SystemBean;
import com.util.Constant;
import com.util.Filter;
import com.util.MD5;
public class MemberServlet extends HttpServlet {
* Constructor of the object.
public MemberServlet() {
* Destruction of the servlet.
public void destroy() {
super.destroy(); // Just puts “destroy“ string in log
// Put your code here
* The doGet method of the servlet.
* This method is called when a form has its tag value method equals to get.
* @param request the request send by the client to the server
* @param response the response send by the server to the client
* @throws ServletException if an error occurred
* @throws IOException if an error occurred
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException IOException {
* The doPost method of the servlet.
* This method is called when a form has its tag value method equals to post.
* @param request the request send by the client to the server
* @param response the response send by the server to the client
* @throws ServletException if an error occurred
* @throws IOException if an error occurred
public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException IOException {
HttpSession session = request.getSession();
MemberBean memberBean = new MemberBean();
String method = Filter.escapeHTMLTags(request.getParameter(“method“).trim());
* 会员注册通用(检查用户名 修改密码 reg2.jsp页面跳转)
if(method.equals(“reg2“)){//会员注册 reg2.jsp
String username = Filter.escapeHTMLTags(request.getParameter(“username“).trim());
String password = Filter.escapeHTMLTags(request.getParameter(“password“).trim());
String reg_type = Filter.escapeHTMLTags(request.getParameter(“reg_type“).trim());
request.setAttribute(“username“ username);
request.setAttribute(“password“ password);
request.setAttribute(“reg_type“ reg_type);
request.setAttribute(“username“ username);
request.setAttribute(“message“ “非法的用户名,请重新选择!“);
request.getRequestDispatcher(“reg2.jsp“).forward(request response);
int flag = memberBean.checkRegName(username);
if(flag == Cons
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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目录 0 2015-03-15 13:33 181JSP腾龙洞景区售票系统\
目录 0 2015-03-15 09:56 181JSP腾龙洞景区售票系统\tld\
文件 1563 2011-12-29 14:07 181JSP腾龙洞景区售票系统\tld\.classpath
目录 0 2015-03-15 09:56 181JSP腾龙洞景区售票系统\tld\.myeclipse\
文件 282 2011-12-28 20:07 181JSP腾龙洞景区售票系统\tld\.myme
文件 1221 2011-12-28 20:08 181JSP腾龙洞景区售票系统\tld\.project
目录 0 2015-03-15 09:56 181JSP腾龙洞景区售票系统\tld\src\
目录 0 2015-03-15 09:56 181JSP腾龙洞景区售票系统\tld\src\com\
目录 0 2015-03-15 13:33 181JSP腾龙洞景区售票系统\tld\src\com\action\
文件 13552 2011-12-28 16:41 181JSP腾龙洞景区售票系统\tld\src\com\action\MemberServlet.java
目录 0 2015-03-15 13:33 181JSP腾龙洞景区售票系统\tld\src\com\bean\
文件 1567 2011-12-29 13:36 181JSP腾龙洞景区售票系统\tld\src\com\bean\ChartGraphics.java
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文件 2502 2011-12-28 17:02 181JSP腾龙洞景区售票系统\tld\src\com\util\DBO.java
文件 650 2011-12-28 16:41 181JSP腾龙洞景区售票系统\tld\src\com\util\Filter.java
文件 836 2011-12-28 16:41 181JSP腾龙洞景区售票系统\tld\src\com\util\Log.java
目录 0 2015-03-15 09:56 181JSP腾龙洞景区售票系统\tld\WebRoot\
目录 0 2015-03-15 15:19 181JSP腾龙洞景区售票系统\tld\WebRoot\admin\
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文件 2265 2011-12-28 20:07 181JSP腾龙洞景区售票系统\tld\WebRoot\admin\if
文件 1227 2011-12-28 20:07 181JSP腾龙洞景区售票系统\tld\WebRoot\admin\if
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文件 7351 2011-12-28 21:09 181JSP腾龙洞景区售票系统\tld\WebRoot\admin\if
文件 3088 2011-12-28 20:09 181JSP腾龙洞景区售票系统\tld\WebRoot\admin\if
文件 5711 2011-12-28 20:07 181JSP腾龙洞景区售票系统\tld\WebRoot\admin\if
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文件 10889 2011-12-28 20:07 181JSP腾龙洞景区售票系统\tld\WebRoot\admin\images\admin_m.swf
文件 6221 2011-12-28 20:07 181JSP腾龙洞景区售票系统\tld\WebRoot\admin\images\Admin_st
文件 825 2011-12-28 20:07 181JSP腾龙洞景区售票系统\tld\WebRoot\admin\images\bg.jpg
文件 315 2011-12-28 20:07 181JSP腾龙洞景区售票系统\tld\WebRoot\admin\images\bt_login.gif
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