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* This source file was generated by FireStorm/DAO 3.0 (build 99)
* on 26-十月-2005 at 09:50:56
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* For more information please visit http://www.codefutures.com/products/firestorm
package cn.wanfeng.myblog.dao;
import java.util.Date;
import cn.wanfeng.myblog.dto.*;
import cn.wanfeng.myblog.exceptions.*;
import java.sql.CallableStatement;
public interface ArticleDao
* Inserts a new row in the Article table.
public ArticlePk insert(Article dto) throws ArticleDaoException;
* Updates a single row in the Article table.
public void update(ArticlePk pk Article dto) throws ArticleDaoException;
* Deletes a single row in the Article table.
public void delete(ArticlePk pk) throws ArticleDaoException;
* Returns the rows from the Article table that matches the specified primary-key value.
public Article findByPrimaryKey(ArticlePk pk) throws ArticleDaoException;
* Returns all rows from the Article table that match the criteria ‘‘.
public Article[] findAll() throws ArticleDaoException;
* Returns all rows from the Article table that match the criteria ‘ArticleID = :articleID‘.
public Article findByPrimaryKey(int articleID) throws ArticleDaoException;
* Returns all rows from the Article table that match the criteria ‘CategoryID = :categoryID‘.
public Article[] findByCategory(int categoryID) throws ArticleDaoException;
* Returns all rows from the Article table that match the criteria ‘ArticleID = :articleID‘.
public Article[] findWhereArticleIDEquals(int articleID) throws ArticleDaoException;
* Returns all rows from the Article table that match the criteria ‘CategoryID = :categoryID‘.
public Article[] findWhereCategoryIDEquals(int categoryID) throws ArticleDaoException;
* Returns all rows from the Article table that match the criteria ‘Subject = :subject‘.
public Article[] findWhereSubjectEquals(String subject) throws ArticleDaoException;
* Returns all rows from the Article table that match the criteria ‘Content = :content‘.
public Article[] findWhereContentEquals(String content) throws ArticleDaoException;
* Returns all rows from the Article table that match the criteria ‘PublishTime = :publishTime‘.
public Article[] findWherePublishTimeEquals(Date publishTime) throws ArticleDaoException;
* Sets the value of maxRows
public void setMaxRows(int maxRows);
* Gets the value of maxRows
public int getMaxRows();
* Returns all rows from the Article table that match the specified arbitrary SQL statement
public Article[] findByDynamicSelect(String sql object[] sqlParams) throws ArticleDaoException;
* Returns all rows from the Article table that ma
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 552 2005-10-25 12:39 BLOG\CodeSource\.classpath
文件 291 2005-10-24 18:38 BLOG\CodeSource\.myme
文件 1346 2005-10-24 18:41 BLOG\CodeSource\.project
文件 3154 2005-10-26 09:50 BLOG\CodeSource\src\cn\wanfeng\myblog\dao\ArticleDao.java
文件 2966 2005-10-26 09:50 BLOG\CodeSource\src\cn\wanfeng\myblog\dao\BlogDao.java
文件 2581 2005-10-26 09:50 BLOG\CodeSource\src\cn\wanfeng\myblog\dao\CategoryDao.java
文件 3525 2005-10-26 09:50 BLOG\CodeSource\src\cn\wanfeng\myblog\dao\DtpropertiesDao.java
文件 3048 2005-10-26 09:50 BLOG\CodeSource\src\cn\wanfeng\myblog\dao\EssayDao.java
文件 2963 2005-10-26 09:50 BLOG\CodeSource\src\cn\wanfeng\myblog\dao\FeedbackDao.java
文件 2746 2005-10-26 09:50 BLOG\CodeSource\src\cn\wanfeng\myblog\dao\HrefDao.java
文件 2928 2005-10-26 09:50 BLOG\CodeSource\src\cn\wanfeng\myblog\dao\PictureDao.java
文件 8386 2005-10-26 09:50 BLOG\CodeSource\src\cn\wanfeng\myblog\dto\Article.java
文件 2431 2005-10-26 09:50 BLOG\CodeSource\src\cn\wanfeng\myblog\dto\ArticlePk.java
文件 8919 2005-10-26 09:50 BLOG\CodeSource\src\cn\wanfeng\myblog\dto\Blog.java
文件 2308 2005-10-26 09:50 BLOG\CodeSource\src\cn\wanfeng\myblog\dto\BlogPk.java
文件 5243 2005-10-26 09:50 BLOG\CodeSource\src\cn\wanfeng\myblog\dto\Category.java
文件 2472 2005-10-26 09:50 BLOG\CodeSource\src\cn\wanfeng\myblog\dto\CategoryPk.java
文件 10316 2005-10-26 09:50 BLOG\CodeSource\src\cn\wanfeng\myblog\dto\Dtproperties.java
文件 2858 2005-10-26 09:50 BLOG\CodeSource\src\cn\wanfeng\myblog\dto\DtpropertiesPk.java
文件 8294 2005-10-26 09:50 BLOG\CodeSource\src\cn\wanfeng\myblog\dto\Essay.java
文件 2349 2005-10-26 09:50 BLOG\CodeSource\src\cn\wanfeng\myblog\dto\EssayPk.java
文件 6995 2005-10-26 09:50 BLOG\CodeSource\src\cn\wanfeng\myblog\dto\Feedback.java
文件 2441 2005-10-26 09:50 BLOG\CodeSource\src\cn\wanfeng\myblog\dto\FeedbackPk.java
文件 6608 2005-10-26 09:50 BLOG\CodeSource\src\cn\wanfeng\myblog\dto\Href.java
文件 2308 2005-10-26 09:50 BLOG\CodeSource\src\cn\wanfeng\myblog\dto\HrefPk.java
文件 7015 2005-10-26 09:50 BLOG\CodeSource\src\cn\wanfeng\myblog\dto\Picture.java
文件 2431 2005-10-26 09:50 BLOG\CodeSource\src\cn\wanfeng\myblog\dto\PicturePk.java
文件 729 2005-10-26 09:50 BLOG\CodeSource\src\cn\wanfeng\myblog\exceptions\ArticleDaoException.java
文件 714 2005-10-26 09:50 BLOG\CodeSource\src\cn\wanfeng\myblog\exceptions\BlogDaoException.java
文件 734 2005-10-26 09:50 BLOG\CodeSource\src\cn\wanfeng\myblog\exceptions\CategoryDaoException.java
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