设计GUI(Graphical User Interface)界面的动物换位游戏,游戏的结果是让左右两组动物交换位置。具体要求如下:
1.程序分为3个级别,用户通过菜单来选择初级、中级和高级。对于初级,在水平排列的7块石头上的左右各有3个类型相同的动物,中间的石头上没有动物;对于中级,在水平排列的 块石头上的左右各有4个类型相同的动物,中间的石头上没有动物;对于高级,在水平排列的11块石头上左右各有5个类型相同的动物,中间的石头上没有动物。
* 设置动物属性:
* 动物所在的point
* 动物图片路径
* 动物是否在左边
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.io.*;
public class Animal extends JPanel
Point point; //
boolean isLeft;//是否在左边
Toolkit tool;//
// This class is the abstract superclass of all actual implementations of the Abstract Window Toolkit.
// Subclasses of the Toolkit class are used to bind the various components to particular native toolkit implementations.
// Many GUI events may be delivered to user asynchronously if the opposite is not specified explicitly.
// As well as many GUI operations may be performed asynchronously. This fact means that if the state of a component is set
// and then the state immediately queried the returned value may not yet reflect the requested change.
// This behavior includes but is not limited to:
// Scrolling to a specified position.
// For example calling ScrollPane.setScrollPosition and then getScrollPosition may return an incorrect value if the original request has not yet been processed.
// Moving the focus from one component to another.
// For more information see Timing Focus Transfers a section in The Swing Tutorial.
// Making a top-level container visible.
// Calling setVisible(true) on a Window frame or Dialog may occur asynchronously.
// Setting the size or location of a top-level container.
// Calls to setSize setBounds or setLocation on a Window frame or Dialog are forwarded to the underlying window management system
// and may be ignored or modified. See java.awt.Window for more information.
// Most applications should not call any of the methods in this class directly. The methods defined by Toolkit are the “glue“ that
// joins the platform-independent classes in the java.awt package with their counterparts in java.awt.peer.
// Some methods defined by Toolkit query the native operating system directly.
// 实现功能
// 1、滚动到指定位置
// 例如,如果原始请求没有被处理,那么调用 ScrollPane.setScrollPosition 并随后调用 getScrollPosition 可能返回一个不正确的值。
// 2、将焦点从一个组件移动到另一个组件。
// 3、使某一顶层容器可视。
// 4、设置顶层容器的大小或位置
// 因为是抽象类,所以不能用new 实例化,可以用getDefaultToolkit返回Toolkit类的对象
// 例如: Toolkit toolkit=Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
File leftImage; //左图片文件
File rightImage;//右图片文件
// Gets the toolkit of this component. Note that the frame that contains a component
// controls which toolkit is used by that component. Therefore if the component is moved
// from one frame to another the toolkit it uses may change.
// 对系统低层实现图形控件的最基本功能的一些接口
public void setLeftImage(File f)//设置左边的动物
public void setRightImage(File f)//设置右边的动物
public void setIsLeft(boolean boo)//设置是否为左边的动物
public boolean getIsLeft()//判断是否为左边的动物
return isLeft;
public void setAtPoint(Point p)//设置此时在哪个point
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
..A..H. 295 2014-12-23 19:31 AnimalChange\.classpath
..A..H. 8196 2014-12-25 11:39 AnimalChange\.DS_Store
..A..H. 371 2014-12-23 19:31 AnimalChange\.project
文件 76 2015-01-05 12:00 AnimalChange\.settings\org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs
文件 587 2014-12-23 19:31 AnimalChange\.settings\org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
..A..H. 6148 2014-12-23 20:34 AnimalChange\bin\.DS_Store
文件 1899 2015-01-08 09:31 AnimalChange\bin\Animal.class
文件 987 2015-01-09 11:08 AnimalChange\bin\AutoMoveAnimal$1.class
文件 6935 2015-01-09 11:08 AnimalChange\bin\AutoMoveAnimal.class
文件 789 2015-01-09 11:17 AnimalChange\bin\ChangeAnimalWindow$1.class
文件 13013 2015-01-09 11:17 AnimalChange\bin\ChangeAnimalWindow.class
文件 649 2015-01-08 09:31 AnimalChange\bin\Customdlg$1.class
文件 2064 2015-01-08 09:31 AnimalChange\bin\Customdlg.class
文件 5860 2015-01-08 11:17 AnimalChange\bin\HandleMouse.class
文件 846 2015-01-09 09:29 AnimalChange\bin\People.class
文件 1346 2015-01-08 09:31 AnimalChange\bin\Point.class
文件 2971 2015-01-08 09:31 AnimalChange\bin\Record.class
文件 645 2015-01-08 11:06 AnimalChange\bin\ShowRecordDialog$1.class
文件 3907 2015-01-08 11:06 AnimalChange\bin\ShowRecordDialog.class
文件 454 2015-01-08 09:31 AnimalChange\bin\Stone.class
..A..H. 6148 2015-01-05 19:56 AnimalChange\images\.DS_Store
文件 11384 2015-01-05 12:18 AnimalChange\images\cat.JPG
文件 4793 2015-01-05 11:53 AnimalChange\images\cat10.jpg
文件 4297 2015-01-05 11:51 AnimalChange\images\cat2.jpg
文件 4522 2015-01-05 11:51 AnimalChange\images\cat3.jpg
文件 4993 2015-01-05 11:51 AnimalChange\images\cat4.jpg
文件 4401 2015-01-05 11:51 AnimalChange\images\cat5.jpg
文件 8570 2015-01-05 11:52 AnimalChange\images\cat6.jpg
文件 5074 2015-01-05 11:52 AnimalChange\images\cat7.jpg
文件 7384 2015-01-05 11:52 AnimalChange\images\cat8.jpg
- 上一篇:android绘制心电图
- 下一篇:Android双列滑动表格(双表头不动)
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