
function bin_state = bin_state( int_state m )
% Copyright Matt C. Valenti
% MPRG lab Virginia Tech
% for academic use only
% converts an vector of integer into a matrix; the i-th row is the binary form
% of m bits for the i-th integer
for j = 1:length( int_state )
for i = m:-1:1
state(jm-i+1) = fix( int_state(j)/ (2^(i-1)) );
int_state(j) = int_state(j) - state(jm-i+1)*2^(i-1);
bin_state = state;
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 437 2005-05-05 17:37 turbo仿真bpsk\bin_state.m
文件 1134 2005-05-07 22:00 turbo仿真bpsk\demultiplex.m
文件 653 2005-05-07 22:00 turbo仿真bpsk\encode_bit.m
文件 281 2005-05-07 22:01 turbo仿真bpsk\int_state.m
文件 3177 2005-05-07 22:01 turbo仿真bpsk\logmapo.m
文件 1104 2005-05-07 22:01 turbo仿真bpsk\rsc_encode.m
文件 3127 2005-05-07 22:01 turbo仿真bpsk\sova0.m
文件 1879 2005-05-07 22:01 turbo仿真bpsk\trellis.m
文件 58008 2006-02-28 23:50 turbo仿真bpsk\turbo.emf
文件 191817 2006-02-28 23:51 turbo仿真bpsk\turbo.jpg
文件 1218 2006-02-28 18:17 turbo仿真bpsk\turbo_decode.m
文件 1039 2006-02-28 18:24 turbo仿真bpsk\turbo_encode.m
文件 1820 2006-03-02 20:42 turbo仿真bpsk\turbo码仿真.m
目录 0 2008-06-26 04:49 turbo仿真bpsk
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