clear all;
clear all figure;
load image2.mat
Img = (image2);
Img2 = permute(Img[3 2 1]);
Img3 = permute(Img[3 1 2]);
% Vplan=[256256256];
% Img=single(phantom3d(Vplan));
figure(1); imagesc(Img(::end/2)); axis off; axis equal; colormap gray; colorbar;
% figure(2); imagesc(fliplr(Img(::end/2))); axis off; axis equal; colormap gray; colorbar;
% figure(3); imagesc(rot90(Img(::end/2)2)); axis off; axis equal; colormap gray; colorbar;
% figure(4); imagesc(Img2(::end/2)); axis off; axis equal; colormap gray; colorbar;
% figure(5); imagesc(Img3(::end/2)); axis off; axis equal; colormap gray; colorbar;
Voxelsize = size(Img);
fprintf(‘the size of Voxel is %d %d %d\n‘Voxelsize);
nx = Voxelsize(1);
ny = Voxelsize(2);
nz = Voxelsize(3);
sx = 256; % in mm
sy =256; % in mm
sz =32*1.25; % in mm
% Detector setting according to Varian Trilogy OBI (real size)
su = 256*2; % in mm
sv = 256*2; % in mm
%The real detector panel pixel density (number of pixels)
nu = 256;
nv = 256;
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