
%% Video Stabilization Using Point Feature Matching
% This example shows how to stabilize a video that was captured from a
% jittery platform. One way to stabilize a video is to track a salient
% feature in the image and use this as an anchor point to cancel out all
% perturbations relative to it. This procedure however must be
% bootstrapped with knowledge of where such a salient feature lies in the
% first video frame. In this example we explore a method of video
% stabilization that works without any such _a priori_ knowledge. It
% instead automatically searches for the “background plane“ in a video
% sequence and uses its observed distortion to correct for camera motion.
% This stabilization algorithm involves two steps. First we determine the
% affine image transformations between all neighboring frames of a video
% sequence using the |estimateGeometricTransform| function applied to point
% correspondences between two images. Second we warp the video frames to
% achieve a stabilized video. We will use the Computer Vision System
% Toolbox(TM) both for the algorithm and for display.
% This example is similar to the % Example>. The main difference is that the Video Stabilization Example is
% given a region to track while this example is given no such knowledge.
% Both examples use the same video.
% Copyright 2009-2010 The MathWorks Inc.
%% Step 1. Read frames from a Movie File
% Here we read in the first two frames of a video sequence. We read them as
% intensity images since color is not necessary for the stabilization
% algorithm and because using grayscale images improves speed. Below we
% show both frames side by side and we produce a red-cyan color composite
% to illustrate the pixel-wise difference between them. There is obviously
% a large vertical and horizontal offset between the two frames.
filename = ‘ren.avi‘;
hVideoSrc = vision.VideoFileReader(filename ‘ImageColorSpace‘ ‘Intensity‘);
imgA = step(hVideoSrc); % Read first frame into imgA
imgB = step(hVideoSrc); % Read second frame into imgB
%figure; imshowpair(imgA imgB ‘montage‘);
%title([‘frame A‘ repmat(‘ ‘[1 70]) ‘frame B‘]);
%figure; imshowpair(imgAimgB‘ColorChannels‘‘red-cyan‘);
%title(‘Color composite (frame A = red frame B = cyan)‘);
%% Step 2. Collect Salient Points from Each frame
% Our goal is to determine a transformation that will correct for the
% distortion between the two frames. We can use the
% |estimateGeometricTransform| function for this which will return an
% affine transform. As input we must provide this function with a set of
% point correspondences between the two frames. To generate these
% correspondences we first collect points of interest from both frames
% then select likely correspondences between them.
% In this step we produce these candidate points for each frame. To have
% the best chance that these points will have corresponding points in the
% other frame we want p
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