
function [xhatektheta0Pb] = celp16k(xNLMccbPidx)
% celp --> 16000 bps CELP analyzer and synthesizer.
% [xhatektheta0Pb] = celp16k(xNLMccbPidx)
% The function implements a 16000 bps CELP analyzer and synthesizer
% if the speech signal is sampled at 8 kHz the frame size N is 20 ms
% (160 samples) and the block duration L for the excitation sequence
% selection is 5 ms (40 samples). Furthermore assume that the
% codebook has 1024 sequences which require 10 bit to send the index k
% and that the lag of the pitch filter P is searched in the range 16
% to 160 which require 8 bit to represent exactly. Thus the quantization
% procedure only affects the M = 12 LPC parameters (inverse sine) coded
% by 12 bits the gain Theta0 coded by 13 bit and the pitch filter coeff.
% b coded by 13 bit.
Nx = length(x); % Signal length.
F = fix(Nx/N); % No. of frames.
J = N/L; % No. blocks per frame.
% Initialize output signals.
xhat = zeros(Nx1); % Synthesized signal.
e = zeros(Nx1); % Excitation signal.
k = zeros(JF); % Columns are excitation
theta0 = zeros(JF); % parameters per frame.
P = zeros(JF);
b = zeros(JF);
ebuf = zeros(Pidx(2)1); % Vectors with previous excitation
ebuf2 = ebuf; bbuf = 0; % samples.
Zf = []; Zw = []; Zi = []; % Memory hangover in filters.
for (f=1:F)
%fprintf(1‘... frame no. %g out of %g.\n‘fF);
n = (f-1)*N+1:f*N; % Time index of current speech frame.
[kappakftheta0fPfbfebufZfZw] = celpana(x(n)LMccbPidxbbuf...
sigma = 2/pi*asin(kappa);
sigma = udecode(uencode(sigma12)12);
kappa = sin(pi/2*sigma);
theta0 = udecode(uencode(theta0130.2)130.2);
b = udecode(uencode(b131.4)131.4);
[xhat(n)ebuf2Zi] = celpsyn(cbkappakftheta0fPfbfebuf2Zi);
% Output excitation signal and parameters for current frame.
e(n) = ebuf(Pidx(2)-N+1:Pidx(2));
k(:f) = kf;
theta0(:f) = theta0f;
P(:f) = Pf;
b(:f) = bf; bbuf = bf(J); % Last estimated b used in next frame.
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 113860 2012-10-18 00:21 CELP_done\16kbps_CELP.jpg
文件 113917 2012-10-18 00:24 CELP_done\9600bps_CELP.jpg
文件 2377 2012-10-17 18:08 CELP_done\celp16k.m
文件 2368 2012-10-17 18:08 CELP_done\celp9600.m
文件 1758 2012-10-17 17:49 CELP_done\celpana.m
文件 4540 2012-10-17 17:50 CELP_done\celpexcit.m
文件 2188 2012-10-17 17:50 CELP_done\celpsyn.m
文件 2107 2012-10-18 01:39 CELP_done\CELP_RUN.m
文件 1496 2012-10-17 17:51 CELP_done\durbin.m
文件 146270 2012-10-18 03:50 CELP_done\handel.wav
文件 1098 2012-10-17 17:12 CELP_done\lpcana.m
文件 875 2012-10-17 17:51 CELP_done\lpcrespitch.m
文件 477 2012-10-17 17:51 CELP_done\lpcweight.m
文件 355 2012-10-17 18:09 CELP_done\rf2lpc.m
文件 118841 2012-10-18 00:20 CELP_done\speech_all_CELP.jpg
文件 1313 2014-02-12 14:12 license.txt
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