% SLIC Simple Linear Iterative Clustering SuperPixels
% Implementation of Achanta Shaji Smith Lucchi Fua and Susstrunk‘s
% SLIC Superpixels
% Usage: [l Am Sp d] = slic(im k m seRadius colopt mw)
% Arguments: im - Image to be segmented.
% k - Number of desired superpixels. Note that this is nominal
% the actual number of superpixels generated will generally
% be a bit larger espiecially if parameter m is small.
% m - Weighting factor between colour and spatial
% differences. Values from about 5 to 40 are useful. Use a
% large value to enforce superpixels with more regular and
% smoother shapes. Try a value of 10 to start with.
% seRadius - Regions morphologically smaller than this are merged with
% adjacent regions. Try a value of 1 or 1.5. Use 0 to
% disable.
% colopt - String ‘mean‘ or ‘median‘ indicating how the cluster
% colour centre should be computed. Defaults to ‘mean‘
% mw - Optional median filtering window size. Image compression
% can result in noticeable artifacts in the a*b* components
% of the image. Median filtering can reduce this. mw can be
% a single value in which case the same median filtering is
% applied to each L* a* and b* components. Alternatively it
% can be a 2-vector where mw(1) specifies the median
% filtering window to be applied to L* and mw(2) is the
% median filtering window to be applied to a* and b*.
% Returns: l - Labeled image of superpixels. Labels range from 1 to k.
% Am - Adjacency matrix of segments. Am(i j) indicates whether
% segments labeled i and j are connected/adjacent
% Sp - Superpixel attribute structure array with fields:
% L - Mean L* value
% a - Mean a* value
% b - Mean b* value
% r - Mean row value
% c - Mean column value
% stdL - Standard deviation of L*
% stda - Standard deviation of a*
% stdb - Standard deviation of b*
% N - Number of pixels
% edges - List of edge numbers that bound each
% superpixel. This field is allocated but not set
% by SLIC. Use SPEDGES for this.
% d - Distance image giving the distance each pixel is from its
% associated superpixel centre.
% It is suggested that use of this function is followed by SPDBSCAN to perform a
% DBSCAN clustering of superpixels. This results in a simple and fast
% segmentation of an image.
% Minor variations from the original algorithm as def
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