function angles=satang4(strSys1latAlongAlongsatstrSys2latBlongB)
%function angles=satang4(strSys1latAlongAlongsatstrSys2latBlongB)
%calculation of satellite angles: elevation azimuth and also relative azimuth and baseline orientation if input data
%belongs to two sites
%Digital satellite communications 2nd Ed. Author Tri Ha for satellite azimuth and elevation calculation
%http://williams.best.vwh.net/avform.htm#Rhumb for distance and relative azimuth between two coordinates
%tested using various satellites and earth stations and using http://www.sfwx.com/softworks/geoBearing.html and
%differences are in part due to the selection of the earth radius and orbit heigth values and also to possible mistakes in the
%code...please point them out
%strSys1: string: ‘E‘ for longitude in degrees east ‘W‘ for longitude in degrees West. no negative values
%strSys2: string: ‘GC‘ for GREAT CIRCLE ‘RH‘ for RHUMB (CONSTANT AZIMUTH: recommended for site diversity purposes)
%latXX: latitude of site A or B. + north - south
%longXX: longitude of site A and B: following strSys1.
%longsat: longitude of subsatellite point E or W according to srtSys
%angles: a structure containing:
% .elevation elevation angle to satelite
% .azimuth azimuth to satelite
% .poltilt & poltilt_c feed rotation to compensate geographic position
%NOTE standing behind the antenna
%rotation is CLOCKWISE for a station
%located east of the satellite meridian
%and ANTICLOCKWISE for a station west of
%the satellite meridian
%poltilt_c is more reliable than poltilt.
% .Az_AB true course azimuth in the direction of site B (rhumb line constant azimuth)
% .distance distance between the two sites
% .baselineorientation for site diversity BOA acording to ITU-R P618-8 definition.
%angles=satang4(‘E‘-8.8313.250) | angles=satang(‘E‘-33.9318.470)
%angles = |
% elevation: 71.2774 | elevation: 45.7078
% azimuth: 303.1005 | azimuth: 329.1038
%Meteosat satellite cities of cape town and luanda.
%angles =
% elevation: 64.3472
% azimuth: 106.2730 Intelsat 8A city of medellin
%geographical constants
% earthradius=6378.155; %according to TRI Ha book page 41
earthradius=6371; %http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html
if isempty(I)==0
clear I
[Az El poltilt poltilt_c]=pointangle(strSys1
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