
function [u erriter i timet] = CMF_Cut
% Performing the continuous max-flow algorithm to solve the
% continuous min-cut problem in 2D
% Usage: [u erriter i timet] = CMF_Cut;
% Inputs: there is no input since all data and parameters can be
% adjusted within the program
% Outputs:
% - u: the final results u(x) in [01]. As the following paper
% the global binary result can be available by threshholding u
% by any constant alpha in (01):
% Nikolova M.; Esedoglu S.; Chan T. F.
% Algorithms for Finding Global Minimizers of Image Segmentation and Denoising Models
% SIAM J. App. Math. 2006 66 1632-1648
% - erriter: it returns the error evaluation of each iteration
% i.e. it shows the convergence rate. One can check the algorithm
% performance.
% - i: gives the total number of iterations when the algorithm converges.
% - timet: gives the total computation time.
% Example:
% >> [u erriter i timet] = CMF_Cut;
% >> us = max(u beta); % where beta in (01)
% >> imagesc(us) colormap gray axis image axis off;figure(gcf)
% >> figure loglog(erriter‘DisplayName‘‘erriterN‘);figure(gcf)
% The original algorithm was proposed in the following papers:
% [1] Yuan J.; Bae E.; Tai X.-C.
% A Study on Continuous Max-Flow and Min-Cut Approaches
% CVPR 2010
% [2] Yuan J.; Bae E.; Tai X.-C.; Boycov Y.
% A study on continuous max-flow and min-cut approaches. Part I: Binary labeling
% UCLA CAM Technical Report 10-61 2010
% The mimetic finite-difference discretization method was proposed for
% the total-variation function in the paper:
% [1] Yuan J.; Schn{\“o}rr C.; Steidl G.
% Simultaneous Optical Flow Estimation and Decomposition
% SIAM J.~Scientific Computing 2007 vol. 29 page 2283-2304 number 6
% This software can be used only for research purposes you should cite ALL of
% the aforementioned papers in any resulting publication.
% Please email cn.yuanjing@gmail.com for any questions suggestions and bug reports
% The Software is provided “as is“ without warranty of any kind.
% Version 1.0
% https://sites.google.com/site/wwwjingyuan/
% Copyright 2011 Jing Yuan (cn.yuanjing@gmail.com)
close all
clear all
ur = double(imread(‘cameraman.jpg‘))/255;
[rows cols] = size(ur);
imgSize = rows*cols;
% define the required parameters:
% - alpha: the penalty parameter to the total-variation term.
% For the case without incorporating image-edge weights alpha is given
% by the constant everywhere. For the case with image-edge weights
% alpha is given by the pixelwise wei
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 38291 2014-02-12 13:45 Graph-Cut\cameraman.jpg
文件 5724 2014-12-26 15:20 Graph-Cut\CMF_Cut.m
文件 100129 2014-02-12 13:45 Graph-Cut\CMF_README.pdf
目录 0 2014-12-26 15:21 Graph-Cut
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144144 4
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