
function D = ada_boost(train_features train_targets params region);
% Classify using the AdaBoost algorithm
% Inputs:
% features - Train features
% targets - Train targets
% Params - [NumberOfIterations Weak Learner Type Learner‘s parameters]
% region - Decision region vector: [-x x -y y number_of_points]
% Outputs
% D - Decision sufrace
% NOTE: This algorithm is very tuned to the 2D nature of the toolbox!
[k_max weak_learner alg_param] = process_params(params);
[NiM] = size(train_features);
D = zeros(region(5));
W = ones(1M)/M;
IterDisp = 10;
%Find where the training features fall on the decision grid
N = region(5);
mx = ones(N1) * linspace (region(1)region(2)N);
my = linspace (region(3)region(4)N)‘ * ones(1N);
flatxy = [mx(:) my(:)]‘;
train_loc = zeros(1M);
for i = 1:M
dist = sqrt(sum((flatxy - train_features(:i)*ones(1N^2)).^2));
[m train_loc(i)] = min(dist);
%Do the AdaBoosting
for k = 1:k_max
%Train weak learner Ck using the data sampled according to W:
%...so sample the data according to W
randnum = rand(1M);
cW = cumsum(W);
indices = zeros(1M);
for i = 1:M
%Find which bin the random number falls into
loc = max(find(randnum(i) > cW))+1;
if isempty(loc)
indices(i) = 1;
indices(i) = loc;
%...and now train the classifier
Ck = feval(weak_learner train_features(: indices) train_targets(indices) alg_param region);
Ckl = Ck(:);
%Ek <- Training error of Ck
Ek = sum(W.*(Ckl(train_loc)‘ ~= train_targets));
if (Ek == 0)
%alpha_k <- 1/2*ln(1-Ek)/Ek)
alpha_k = 0.5*log((1-Ek)/Ek);
%W_k+1 = W_k/Z*exp(+/-alpha)
W = W.*exp(alpha_k*(xor(Ckl(train_loc)‘train_targets)*2-1));
W = W./sum(W);
%Update the decision region
D = D + alpha_k*(2*Ck-1);
if (k/IterDisp == floor(k/IterDisp))
disp([‘Completed ‘ num2str(k) ‘ boosting iterations‘])
D = D>0;
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 952782 2002-05-20 08:36 About.bmp
文件 2137 2002-06-25 09:28 Ada_Boost.m
文件 3004 2002-02-18 13:25 ADDC.m
文件 4318 2002-03-20 22:43 AGHC.m
文件 3266 2002-03-21 09:29 Backpropagation_Batch.m
文件 5183 2002-03-21 09:34 Backpropagation_CGD.m
文件 6448 2002-03-21 09:31 Backpropagation_Quickprop.m
文件 4963 2002-03-21 09:34 Backpropagation_Recurrent.m
文件 3216 2002-03-21 09:33 Backpropagation_SM.m
文件 2986 2002-03-21 09:33 Backpropagation_Stochastic.m
文件 1377 2002-03-21 09:38 Balanced_Winnow.m
文件 3248 2002-03-24 11:32 Bayesian_Model_Comparison.m
文件 588 2001-12-27 09:56 Bhattacharyya.m
文件 3298 2002-03-21 09:37 BIMSEC.m
文件 5984 2002-06-30 00:02 C4_5.m
文件 758 2001-12-24 16:34 calculate_error.m
文件 1060 2001-02-22 13:06 calculate_region.m
文件 4104 2002-03-20 22:43 CART.m
文件 846 2002-02-09 22:54 CARTfunctions.m
文件 5443 2002-03-21 09:39 Cascade_Correlation.m
文件 902 2001-12-27 10:15 Chernoff.m
文件 1528 2002-02-14 22:59 chess.mat
文件 2837 2002-10-11 12:55 Classification.txt
文件 1995 2002-09-18 20:40 classification_error.m
文件 300868 2005-11-29 13:36 Classification_Toolbox.pdf
文件 18308 2002-12-02 19:11 classifier.m
文件 4328 2002-03-09 23:59 classifier.mat
文件 24730 2002-12-02 21:10 classifier_commands.m
文件 2926 2002-02-14 22:59 click_points.m
文件 86112 2002-02-14 22:59 clouds.mat
文件 2842 2002-03-21 09:36 Competitive_learning.m
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