大小: 210KB文件类型: .zip金币: 2下载: 0 次发布日期: 2021-05-21
- 语言: Matlab
- 标签: matlabcode

function cdf = beta_cdf(x a b)
% PURPOSE: cdf of the beta distribution
% USAGE: cdf = beta_cdf(xab)
% where: x = prob[beta(ab) <= x] x = vector
% a = beta distribution parameter a = scalar
% b = beta distribution parameter b = scalar
% NOTE: mean [beta(ab)] variance = ab/((a+b)*(a+b)*(a+b+1))
% RETURNS: cdf at each element of x of the beta distribution
% SEE ALSO: beta_d beta_pdf beta_inv beta_rnd
% written by: Anders Holtsberg 18-11-93
% Copyright (c) Anders Holtsberg
% documentation modified by LeSage to
% match the format of the econometrics toolbox
if any(any((a<=0)|(b<=0)))
error(‘Parameter a or b is nonpositive‘);
Ii = find(x>0&x<1);
Il = find(x<=0);
Iu = find(x>=1);
cdf = 0*(x+a+b); % Stupid allocation trick
cdf(Il) = 0*Il;
cdf(Iu) = 0*Iu + 1;
if length(x) > 0
cdf(Ii) = betainc(x(Ii)ab);
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
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