这是一个关于广义线性模型的matlab代码,里面有说明。 (glmlab is a set of m-files for using MATLAB for analysing generalised linear models. )

% GLMLAB: fitting generalised linear models
% Version 2.3 December 1998.
% Copyright 1996--1998 Peter Dunn
% BASICS: some glmlab basics
% CHANGES: a list of changes
% Contents: you‘re reading it!
% Readme.vxy: Info about glmlab version x.y
% bugs.txt: known bugs
% glmlab: opens the glmlab main window
% glmsplsh: the glmlab splash screen
% intro.txt: an introduction to glmlab
% menuwork: does the hard work for glmlab‘s main window
% whatsnew.txt: what‘s new in this version.
%In the /fit directory:
% extrctgl: extracts information from the User Data property
% fac: declares a factor and makes a matrix of full-rank of the levels
% facfidle: fiddles with factor terms in the covariates
% findres: finds the residuals after fitting a model
% findvars: finds the location of different types of x-variables
% fitscrpt: the script that is run when a model is fitted
% fixmeup: fixes up variable name inputs into glmlab
% glmfit: the general routine for fitting glms
% interact: coordiniates the interactions terms in general cases
% irls: iteratively reweighted least squares: does the calculating
% loseint: finds the incidence matrix after losing terms due to interactions
% makefac: makes a new factor (like the GLIM %gl command)
% newmodel: declares a new model or data is being used
% opterr: some error messages used in glmlab
% ovarcont: controls naming the offset variable name
% oventry: coordinates the interactive entry of the offset variable in glmlab
% paramtrs: some program defaults that the user can feel free to monkey with
% preint: does some work before interact is called
% resetgl: resets the User Data property
% varok: makes sure the variables given are ok
% varentry: allows user-interactive variable manipulations
% wvarcont: controls naming the prior weights variable name
% wventry: coordinates the interactive entry of the prior weights variable in glmlab
% xvarcont: controls naming the x-variable name
% xventry: coordinates the interactive entry of the x-variable in glmlab
% yvarcont: controls naming the y-variable nam
% yventry: coordinates the interactive entry of the y-variable in glmlab
%In the /fit/dist subdirectory:
% dbinoml: information for the binomial distribution
% dgamma: information for the gamma distribution
% dinv_gam: information for the inverse Gaussian distribution
% dlist: the list of error distributions glmlab sees
% dnormal: information for the normal distribution
% dpoisson: information for the poisson distribution
% dstyle: the template style for user defined distributions
% pdf_ig: pdf information for the inverse Gaussian distribution
%In the /fit/link subdirectory:
% lcomplog: information for the complemetary log-log link
% lid: information for the identity link
% llist: the list of link functions glmlab sees
% llog: information for the logarithm link
% llogit: information for the lo
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 1999-03-05 14:45 glmlab\
文件 6519 1999-02-26 17:31 glmlab\basics.txt
文件 14269 1999-02-26 17:31 glmlab\changes.txt
文件 5466 1999-02-26 17:31 glmlab\contents.m
文件 5627 1999-02-26 17:31 glmlab\readme.v23
文件 544 1999-02-26 17:31 glmlab\bugs.txt
目录 0 1999-03-05 14:45 glmlab\data\
文件 825 1999-02-26 17:31 glmlab\data\contents.m
文件 392 1999-02-26 17:31 glmlab\data\beetles.mat
文件 442 1999-02-26 17:31 glmlab\data\chemical.hlp
文件 1136 1999-02-26 17:31 glmlab\data\chemical.mat
文件 439 1999-02-26 17:31 glmlab\data\counsell.mat
文件 98 1999-02-26 17:31 glmlab\data\dummydta.m
文件 3395 1999-02-26 17:31 glmlab\data\fourwd.mat
文件 3197 1999-02-26 17:31 glmlab\data\leuk.mat
文件 442 1999-02-26 17:31 glmlab\data\loadme.hlp
文件 2185 1999-02-26 17:31 glmlab\data\loadme.mat
文件 1040 1999-02-26 17:31 glmlab\data\shipdam.mat
文件 322 1999-02-26 17:31 glmlab\data\tester.hlp
文件 30 1999-02-26 17:31 glmlab\data\tester.txt
文件 3984 1999-02-26 17:31 glmlab\data\tradein.mat
文件 1710 1999-02-26 17:32 glmlab\data\turkeys.hlp
文件 296 1999-02-26 17:32 glmlab\data\turkeys.mat
文件 1797 1999-02-26 17:32 glmlab\data\unemploy.mat
文件 6770 1999-02-26 17:32 glmlab\data\usair.mat
目录 0 1999-03-05 14:45 glmlab\fit\
文件 810 1999-02-26 17:32 glmlab\fit\alias.bak
文件 912 1999-02-26 17:32 glmlab\fit\alias.m
目录 0 1999-03-05 14:45 glmlab\fit\dist\
文件 845 1999-02-26 17:32 glmlab\fit\dist\dbinoml.m
文件 826 1999-02-26 17:32 glmlab\fit\dist\dgamma.m
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