function [trct]=depth2time(ztrcztzcurvedt)
% DEPTH2TIME: Convert a trace from depth to time by a simple stretch
% [trcz]=depth2time(ztrcztzcurvedt)
% DEPTH2TIME converts a single trace from depth to time. The conversion is
% specified by a time-depth curve that is stored in a two-column matrix.
% The first column is a list of times and the second is a list of
% corresponding depths. The times can be either one-way or two-way and
% need only be consistent with the time-coordinate vector of the input.
% Between points in the time-depth curve times are interpolated linearly.
% Note that this function does not apply an antialias filter. It is
% up to the user to ensure that dz is sufficiently small to preclude
% aliasing.
% ztrc ... the trace in depth
% z ... d
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