close all;
clear all;
format long;
fid = fopen(‘C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面\imusimulate\dataagj.txt‘‘w‘);
%% 地球参数
global GLV;
GLV.RE = 6378137; % length of the semi-major aixs unit: m
GLV.RP = 6356752; % length of the semi-minor aixs unit: m
GLV.R = sqrt(GLV.RE*GLV.RP); % length of the approximate semidiameter
GLV.F = 1/298.257223563; % flattening of the ellipsoid
GLV.E = 0.081819191042816; % major eccentricity of the ellipsoid
GLV.OMEGA_IE = 7.2921158e-5; % earth‘s rate unit: rad/s
GLV.G0 = 9.78031811; % gravity coefficient unit: m/s^2
GLV.G = 9.8010104; % approximate gravity unit: m/s^2
%% 常数
TTR = pi/180;%%角度值转为弧度值
%% 解算周期
deltt = 5e-3;%%%5ms
period = 5e-3;%%%5ms
%% 系统运行时间
t = 200*60;%% 200min
calc_len = t/deltt;%%系统计算数据长度
% calc_len = 10;
%% 航迹初始值设定
%%% atti = [roll; pitch; heading];姿态角矩阵
atti_0 = [0.4;0.4;3]*TTR/60;%%姿态初始值
datti = [0;0;0];%%姿态变化率
%%% vn = [vE;vN;vU];地理坐标系n系中的速率分量
vn = [0;1.5;0];%%轨迹生成中假定载体由南向北匀速运动
%%% posn = [latlonhigh];地理坐标系n系中的位置变量由球面坐标表示
posn_0 = [39.229956; 117.143156; 0]*TTR;
% posn = zeros(3calc_len);%%%位置矩阵
% atti = zeros(3calc_len);%%%姿态角矩阵
% wibb = zeros(3calc_len);%%%陀螺数据
% fb =zeros(3calc_len);%%%加速度数据
%%% 元件参数
%%% 陀螺
gyrobias_err = 0.01*pi/180/3600;
gyrobias_var = 0.01*pi/180/3600;
gyrosca_err = 1e-5;
%%% 加表
accbias_err = 1e-4*GLV.G;
accbias_var = 5e-5*GLV.G;
nosie_g = ones(31)*(gyrobias_err+gyrobias_var.^(0.5)*randn(1calc_len));
noise_a = ones(31)*(accbias_err+accbias_var.^(0.5)*randn(1calc_len));
posn(:1) = posn_0;
atti(:1) = atti_0;
for i=1:calc_len
lat = posn(1i); lon = posn(2i); high = posn(3i);
sinL = sin(lat); cosL = cos(lat); tanL = tan(lat);
g = GLV.G0*(1+5.3024e-3*sinL^2-5.9e-6*(sin(2*lat))^2);
RM = GLV.RE*(1-GLV.E^2)/((1-(GL
- 上一篇:FFBP的matlab代码
- 下一篇:MFDFA 多重分形程序 MATLAB
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