大小: 17KB文件类型: .m金币: 1下载: 1 次发布日期: 2021-05-27
- 语言: Matlab
- 标签:
Costantini 相位解包裹 MATLAB代码,最小费用最大流
function PhiUnwrap = cunwrap(Psi options)
% PhiUnwrap = cunwrap(Psi options)
% Purpose: Costantini‘s 2D unwrapping based on Minimum Network Flow
% - Psi: 2D-array wrapped phase (radian)
% - options: optional structure used to modify the behavior of the
% unwrapping algorithm. All fields are optional.
% The fieldname does not need to exactly case-matched.
% Weight: array of same dimension as the Psi with is used as
% the positive weight of the L1 norm of the residual (to be
% minimized). For example user can provide WEIGHT as function
% of the interference amplitude or function of phase
% measurement quality (e.g. fringe contrast).
% By default: all internal pixels have the same weight of 1
% 0.5 for edge-pixels and 0.25 for corner-pixels.
% CutSize: even integer scalar default [4]: the width (in pixel) of
% the Gaussian kernel use to lower the weight around pixels
% that do not fulfill rotational relation.
% If CutSize is 0 no rotational-based weighting will be
% carried out.
% RoundK: Boolean [false] by default. When ROUNDK is true CUNWRAP
% forces the partial derivative residuals K1/K2 to be
% integers.
% MaxBlockSize: scalar default [125] target linear blocksize.
% Set to Inf for single-block global unwrapping.
% Note: network flow is costly in CPU for large size.
% Overlap: scalar default [0.25] fractional overlapping between two
% neighboring blocks.
% Verbose: logical [true] control printout information.
% LPoption: LINPROG option structure as return by OPTIMSET(...).
% - Phi: 2D-array unwrapped phase (radian)
% Minimum network flow computation engine is Matlab LINPROG (optimization
% toolbox is required)
% References:
% - http://earth.esa.int/workshops/ers97/papers/costantini/
% - Costantini M. (1998) A novel phase unwrapping method based on network
% programming. IEEE Tran. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 36 813-821.
% Author: Bruno Luong
% History:
% Orginal: 27-Aug-2009
% 28-Aug-2009: modification in block splitting default size changes
% to 125 x 125
% 28-Aug-2009: correct a serious indexing bug
if nargin<2
options = struct();
if ndims(Psi)>2
error(‘CUNWRAP: input Psi must be 2D array.‘);
[ny nx] = size(Psi);
if nx<2 || ny<2
error(‘CUNWRAP: size of Psi must be larger than 2‘);
roundK = getoption(options ‘roundk‘ false);
verbose = getoption(options ‘verbose‘ true);
% Default weight
w1 = ones(ny1); w1([1 end]) = 0.5;
w2 = ones(1nx); w2([1 end]) = 0.5;
weight = w1*w2; % tensorial product
weight = getoption(options ‘weight‘
- 上一篇:数字电路电子秒表设计
- 下一篇:IEEE14 BUS system
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