循环谱的仿真代码 自己编写的FAM,经运行之后是正确的
% *** Estimator using the cyclostationary time smoothing FFT Accumulation Algorithm.***
% Getting input data from the global variables generated by GUI cyclo_s.m and calculating constants
% present_directory = cd; % Save present directory to a variable to make the GUI go back to it in the end
% path = handles.edit3; % Saving the path information in a variable
% filename = handles.edit1; % File to be analyzed from GUI generated global variable handles.edit1
% fs = handles.edit2; % Sampling frequency from GUI generated global variable handles.edit2
% df = handles.popupmenu1; % Frequency Resolution from GUI generated global variable handles.popupmenu1
% M = handles.popupmenu2;% 2; % df/dalpha = M >> 1 (reliability condition)
% data_path = [path‘\‘filename];
% load (data_path); %loading file to be analyzed from specified path
% 修改后不用GUI界面
clc;close all;clear all;
% T=100;
% delta_f=1/(100*T);
% ts=delta_f;
% fs=1/ts;
% df=128;
% M=4;
% dalpha = df/M;
% f=-5/T:delta_f:5/T;
% sgma_a=1;
% Sv=sgma_a^2*sinc(f*T).^2;
% f1=2000;
% Sv=Sv.*exp(j*2*pi*f1*f);
% x=Sv;
% plot(abs(fft(x)))
clear all
close all
dalpha = df/M;
M1 = 4;
x1 = randint(5001);
h = modem.pammod(‘M‘ M1);
y= rcosflt(y1fdfs‘fir‘);
% % filename=‘testcs1‘;
% fs=7000;
% M=4;
% dalpha = df/M;
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% fd = 1000;
% fc = 1e+3; % Carrier frequency
% K=100;
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%BPSK modulation.
% Q=4;
% x = randint(K1[0Q-1]);
% x = dmod(xfcfdfs‘psk‘Q);
% Defining parameters
Np = pow2(nextpow2(fs/df)); % Initially it is the number of rows in the channelization matrix (X) or
% the number of input channels defined by fs/df
L = Np/4; % Overlap factor in order to reduce the number of short time fft‘s
% L is the offset between points in the same column at consecutive rows
% should be less than or equal to Np/4 (Prof. Loomis paper)
P = pow2(nextpow2(fs/dalpha/L)); % Number of columns formed in the channelization matrix (X)
N = P*L; % Total number of points in the input data to be processed
% Input channelization - this part limits the input total number of points to be analyzed. It also generates a Np X P matrix
% (X) with shifted versions of the input
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