% GS_2D.m
% Calculation of a 2D phase or amplitude hologram by using the Gerchberg-Saxton
% algorithm.
% The program starts with a plan wave (a phase hologram with all pixels set
% to the same value) (i.e an electric field) and by iteration the operation
% of this hologram is increased.
% The program use the FFT-file fft2c.m and the inverse IFFT-file ifft2c.m
% All lengths are given in micrometers.
% Orginal file was created during the spring of 2001 by David Engstr鰉 Chalmers
% Modified in November 2002 by Emil H鋖lstig FOI
close all; % Close all figures
clear all; % Clear workspace
% Constants in use:
N=256; % The number of sample points in one direction (totally N*N sampling points N
% should be set to 2^integer to increase the speed of the FFT-transform)
nr_of_iterations=10; % The number of iterations to be calculated
nr_of_phaselevels=128; % The number of phase levels that can be used
% OBS! If set to zero the resulting hologram will be a
% pure binary amplitude hologram.
circular_beam=0; % 1 indicates that cross section of the incoming beam is circular
% 0 means that the whole hologram is illuminated
circular_radie=0.9*N/2; % The radie of the beam (if it is circular)
% ********** Plane 1 - The hologram plane
% Create the original electric field in plane 1 as a homogen field
% with the amplitude set to one and the phase set to zero (a plane wave
% moving along the optical axis)
% Calculate the circular cross section of the beam that is used if the variable
% “circular_beam“ is set to one
E_beam = ones(N).*((N/2-X_pos).^2+(N/2-Y_pos).^2
if circular_beam
E_plane_1 = E_beam;
E_plane_1 = ones(N);
% ********** Plane 2 - The far field
I_plane2=zeros(N); % The desired intensity distribution
% in plane 2
% Just a single pixel is set => The result (a plane wave) is given in only one iteration
% It is possible to use a ordinary *.bmp picture as intensity distribution
% Just change the filename to use another image!
% OBS! The new image has to be of the correct size!
% A binary “FOI“
[bild map]=imread(‘FOI.bmp‘);
% Check the size of the input image!
if size(bild1)~=N
disp([‘The input image does not have ‘ num2str(N) ‘ rows!‘]);
if size(bild2)~=N
disp([‘The input image does not have ‘ num2str(N) ‘ columns!‘]);
I_plane_2_goal = ones(N)-double(bild);
I_plane_2_goal_total = sum(sum(I_plane_2_goal));
E_plane_2_goal = sqrt(I_plane_2_goal); % The E-field in the far field (the phase
% doesn‘t matter)
% --------------------
- 上一篇:双馈风力发电机PID控制变桨程序
- 下一篇:ssi模态参数识别
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