EM算法训练GMM的Matlab实现过程(总结) 中 的vq_flat代码
#include “mex.h“
#include “vq_util.h“
#define GET_TOTAL_ELEMENTS(a) (mxGetM(a) * mxGetN(a))
/* Input Arguments */
#define VEC prhs[0]
#define NC prhs[1]
#define CVTYPE prhs[2]
#define MC prhs[3]
#define MITER prhs[4]
/* Output Arguments */
#define COST plhs[0]
#define CMEAN plhs[1]
#define CVAR plhs[2]
#define CCOST plhs[3]
#define CSIZE plhs[4]
#define CMAP plhs[5]
int nlhs mxArray *plhs[]
int nrhs const mxArray *prhs[]
double *Vec *Cost *CMean *CVar *CMap *CSize *CCost *tmp;
int i N L Nc CVType = DIAGC maxIter = 100 minClustSize = 1;
int *cmap *csize dims[3];
/* Check for proper number of arguments */
if (nrhs < 2) {
mexErrMsgTxt(“Requires at least two arguments.“);
N = mxGetM( VEC );
L = mxGetN( VEC );
/* Get input pointers */
Vec = mxGetPr( VEC );
tmp = mxGetPr( NC ); Nc = (int) tmp[0];
if (Nc>L)
mexErrMsgTxt(“Too many clusters for too few data vectors.“);
if (nrhs>=3) {
tmp = mxGetPr( CVTYPE );
CVType = (int) tmp[0];
mexErrMsgTxt(“Unsupported covariance type.“);
if (nrhs>=4) {
tmp = mxGetPr( MC );
minClustSize = (int) tmp[0];
if (nrhs>=5) {
tmp = mxGetPr( MITER );
maxIter = (int) tmp[0];
/* Create outputs */
COST = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(11 mxREAL);
Cost = mxGetPr( COST );
CMEAN = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(NNc mxREAL);
CMean = mxGetPr( CMEAN );
if (CVType==FULLC || CVType==INVFULLC) {
dims[0] = N; dims[1] = N; dims[2] = Nc;
CVAR = mxCreateNumericArray(3 dims mxDOUBLE_CLASS mxREAL);
} else
CVAR = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(NNc mxREAL);
CVar = mxGetPr( CVAR );
CCOST = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1Nc mxREAL);
CCost = mxGetPr( CCOST );
CSIZE = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1Nc mxREAL);
CSize = mxGetPr( CSIZE );
CMAP = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1L mxREAL);
CMap = mxGetPr( CMAP );
/* Allocate tmp data storage */
cmap = mxCalloc(Lsizeof(int));
csize = mxCalloc(Ncsizeof(int));
/* Call FlatCluster function */
FlatCluster( Vec N L
CMean CVar CCost csize cmap Nc
CVType minClustSize maxIter
/* Copy tmp to out */
for (i=0;i CMap[i] = cmap[i]+1;
for (i=0;i CSize[i] = csize[i];
/* If covariance is INVFULLC find inverses */
if (CVType==INVFULLC) {
double *mat *imat dmat;
int j;
imat = mxCalloc(N*Nsizeof(double));
for (i=0;i mat = CVar+i*N*N;
sinv( mat N imat &dmat);
for (j=0;j mat[j] = imat[j];
/* Free tmp data storage */
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 2893 2013-06-02 14:16 vq_flat\vq_flat.c
文件 710 2013-06-02 14:16 vq_flat\vq_flat.m
文件 11127 2013-06-02 14:15 vq_flat\vq_util.c
文件 1690 2013-06-02 14:15 vq_flat\vq_util.h
目录 0 2013-06-02 14:15 vq_flat
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16420 5
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- 下一篇:最小二乘法作谱估计的MATLAB程序
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