% Written By: Matthew Jon Pais University of Florida (2010)
% Website: http://sites.google.com/site/matthewjpais/Home
% Email: mpais@ufl.edu matthewjpais@gmail.com
function bimatctipNodes
% This function assigns nodes enriched with the bimaterial crack tip
% enrichment function values associated with the bimaterial near tip
% asymptotic displacement field.
lElem = DOMAIN(3);
Em = MAT(1); % Young‘s modulus for the matrix
vm = MAT(2); % Poisson‘s ratio for the matrix
Ef = MAT(3); % Young‘s modulus for the fiber
vf = MAT(4); % Poisson‘s ratio for the fiber
plane = MAT(5); % Plane stress or plane strain
G1 = Em/2/(1+vm); % Shear modulus for the matrix
G2 = Ef/2/(1+vf); % Shear modulus for the fiber
% Kosolov constant
if plane == 1 % Plane stress
k1 = (3-vm)/(1+vm);
k2 = (3-vf)/(1+vf);
elseif plane == 2 % Plane strain
k1 = 3-4*vm;
k2 = 3-4*vf;
b = (G1*(k2-1)-G2*(k1-1))/(G1*(k2+1)+G2*(k1+1)); % Second Dundur‘s parameter
e = 1/(2*pi)*log((1-b)/(1+b)); % Material constant
iSeg = size(CRACK1); % Number of crack segments
nCT = size(PHI2); % Number of crack tips
% Define coordinates of crack tip(s)
if nCT == 1
xCT = CRACK(iSeg1); % X-coordinate of crack tip
yCT = CRACK(iSeg2); % Y-coordinate of crack tip
elseif nCT == 2
xCT = [CRACK(iSeg1) CRACK(11)]; % X-coordinate of crack tip
yCT = [CRACK(iSeg2) CRACK(12)]; % Y-coordinate of crack tip
for iNode = 1:size(NODES1)
if NODES(iNode4) ~= 0
XN = XYZ(iNode2); % Nodal x-coordinate
YN = XYZ(iNode3); % Nodal y-coordinate
X = XN-xCT; % Horizontal distance from crack tip to current node
Y = YN-yCT; % Vertical distance from crack tip to current node
for i = 1:length(X)
rt = sqrt(X(i)^2+Y(i)^2);
tt =
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 2654 2011-03-29 10:23 MXFEM 1.2\Benchmarks\1 Center Crack in a Finite Plate\Full Model\inputQuasiStatic.m
文件 120 2011-03-29 10:23 MXFEM 1.2\Benchmarks\1 Center Crack in a Finite Plate\Full Model\Output.txt
文件 2654 2011-03-29 10:23 MXFEM 1.2\Benchmarks\1 Center Crack in a Finite Plate\Half Model\inputQuasiStatic.m
文件 88 2011-03-29 10:23 MXFEM 1.2\Benchmarks\1 Center Crack in a Finite Plate\Half Model\Output.txt
文件 2653 2011-03-29 10:23 MXFEM 1.2\Benchmarks\2 Edge Crack in a Finite Plate\inputQuasiStatic.m
文件 88 2011-03-29 10:23 MXFEM 1.2\Benchmarks\2 Edge Crack in a Finite Plate\Output.txt
文件 35865 2011-03-29 10:23 MXFEM 1.2\Benchmarks\3 Hard Inclusion in a Finite Plate\ANSYS Stress Plots.pdf
文件 2696 2011-03-29 10:23 MXFEM 1.2\Benchmarks\3 Hard Inclusion in a Finite Plate\inputQuasiStatic.m
文件 2700 2011-03-29 10:23 MXFEM 1.2\Benchmarks\4 Hole in an Infinite Plate\inputQuasiStatic.m
文件 2684 2011-03-29 10:23 MXFEM 1.2\Benchmarks\5 Paris Law Crack Growth\inputQuasiStatic.m
文件 1479 2011-03-29 10:23 MXFEM 1.2\Benchmarks\5 Paris Law Crack Growth\mxfemVSanalytical.asv
文件 1487 2011-03-29 10:23 MXFEM 1.2\Benchmarks\5 Paris Law Crack Growth\mxfemVSanalytical.m
文件 2703 2011-03-29 10:23 MXFEM 1.2\Benchmarks\6 Crack Growth in Presence of Inclusion\Hard Inclusion\inputQuasiStatic.m
文件 1771 2011-03-29 10:23 MXFEM 1.2\Benchmarks\6 Crack Growth in Presence of Inclusion\Hard Inclusion\mxfemVSbordas.m
文件 2703 2011-03-29 10:23 MXFEM 1.2\Benchmarks\6 Crack Growth in Presence of Inclusion\Soft Inclusion\inputQuasiStatic.m
文件 1795 2011-03-29 10:23 MXFEM 1.2\Benchmarks\6 Crack Growth in Presence of Inclusion\Soft Inclusion\mxfemVSbordas.m
文件 1847 2011-03-29 10:23 MXFEM 1.2\Benchmarks\7 Crack Initiation Angle for Crack Initating from a Hole in a Plate\inputOptimization.m
文件 1504 2011-03-29 10:23 MXFEM 1.2\Benchmarks\7 Crack Initiation Angle for Crack Initating from a Hole in a Plate\Output.txt
文件 1711 2011-03-29 10:23 MXFEM 1.2\Benchmarks\7 Crack Initiation Angle for Crack Initating from a Hole in a Plate\xfemOptimization.m
文件 4770 2011-03-29 10:23 MXFEM 1.2\bimatctipNodes.m
文件 4673 2011-03-29 10:23 MXFEM 1.2\boundaryCond.m
文件 1264 2011-03-29 10:23 MXFEM 1.2\calcDOF.m
文件 2370 2011-03-29 10:23 MXFEM 1.2\connectivity.m
文件 215 2011-03-29 10:23 MXFEM 1.2\crackCoord2Length.m
文件 2303 2011-03-29 10:23 MXFEM 1.2\ctipNodes.m
文件 27525 2011-03-29 10:23 MXFEM 1.2\elemStress.m
文件 3597 2011-03-29 10:23 MXFEM 1.2\enrElem.m
文件 7785 2011-03-29 10:23 MXFEM 1.2\forceVector.m
文件 12028 2011-03-29 10:23 MXFEM 1.2\gauss.m
文件 2899 2011-03-29 10:23 MXFEM 1.2\growCrack.m
- 上一篇:自动种子区域生长代码
- 下一篇:节点导纳矩阵程序
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