function varargout = PlaneWaveGUI(varargin)
% function varargout = PLANEWAVEGUI(varargin)
% The function PLANEWAVEGUI creates the Graphical User Interface for the
% TE/TM wave propagation through multilayered structures. See the file
% ‘Help.html‘ or click on the button ‘Help‘ of the GUI for its use.
% Copyright: Lorenzo Luini DEI-Department of Electronics and Information
% Politecnico di Milano Milano Italy;
% email: luini@elet.polimi.it
% Release: version 1.0 last update: 05-Oct-2007 10:00:00
% Remarks: the GUI has been created using GUIDE. It requires Matlab release
% R2007a to run properly.
% Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDIT
gui_Singleton = 1;
gui_State = struct(‘gui_Name‘ mfilename ...
- 上一篇:matlab3种内插法的实现
- 下一篇:matlab画三维图代码
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