function [handleCDFstats] = ccdfplot(x)
%CDFPLOT Display an empirical cumulative distribution function.
% CDFPLOT(X) plots an empirical cumulative distribution function (CDF)
% of the observations in the data sample vector X. X may be a row or
% column vector and represents a random sample of observations from
% some underlying distribution.
% H = CDFPLOT(X) plots F(x) the empirical (or sample) CDF versus the
% observations in X. The empirical CDF F(x) is defined as follows:
% F(x) = (Number of observations <= x)/(Total number of observations)
% for all values in the sample vector X. If X contains missing data
% indicated by NaN‘s (IEEE arithmetic representation for
% Not-a-Number) the missing observations will be ignored.
% H is the handle of the empirical CDF curve (a Handle Graphics ‘line‘
% object).
% [HSTATS] = CDFPLOT(X) also returns a statistical summary structure
% with the following fields:
% STATS.min = minimum value of the vector X.
% STATS.max = maximum value of the vector X.
% STATS.mean = sample mean of the vector X.
% STATS.median = sample median (50th percentile) of the vector X.
% STATS.st
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