function [pattern] = rect_array(NxrNyrdolxrdolyrtheta0phi0winidwinnbits);
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ************************ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% This function computes the 3-D directive gain patterns for a plannar array
% This function uses the fft2 to compute its output
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ************ INPUTS ************ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Nxr ==> number of along x-aixs; Nyr ==> number of elemnts along y-axis
% dolxr ==> element spacing in x-direction; dolyr ==> element spacing in y-direction Both are in lambda units
% theta0 ==> elevation steering angle in degrees phi0 ==> azimuth steering angle in degrees
% winid ==> window identifier; winid negative ==> no window ; winid positive ==> use window given by win
% win ==> input window
- 上一篇:基于MATLAB的声波测距
- 下一篇:基于MATLAB的车牌模糊识别
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