Marginalized (Rao-Blackwellized) Particle Filter的matlab代码,及对应的论文。
% Illustrating the use of the marginalized (a.k.a. the Rao-Blackwellized)
% particle filter by solving a specific example.
% All the references to equations within this code are with respect to the
% paper
% Thomas Sch鰊 Fredrik Gustafsson and Per-Johan Nordlund. Marginalized
% Particle Filters for Mixed Linear/Nonlinear State-Space Models. IEEE
% Transactions on Signal Processing 53(7):2279-2289 Jul. 2005.
% If you use this code for academic work please reference the above paper.
% Note that this code has been written in order to facilitate the
% understanding of the Rao-Blackwellized particle filter via solving a
% specific example. Hence the code is not written not to obtain a general
% implementation nor is it written to obtain the fastest and most optimized
% code possible.
% Written by:
% Thomas Sch鰊 (schon@isy.liu.se)
% Division of Automatic Control
% link鰌ing University
% www.control.isy.liu.se/~schon
% Last revised on August 19 2011
%=== Define the model ===
m.f = inline(‘[1*atan(x(1:)) + 1*x(2:); 1*x(2:) + 0.3*x(3:); 0.92*x(3:)-0.3*x(4:); 0.3*x(3:)+0.92*x(4:)]‘); % Dynamic model
m.h = inline(‘[(0.1*x(1:).^2).*sign(x(1:)); x(2:) - x(3:) + x(4:)]‘); % Measurement model
m.x0 = zeros(41); % Initial state
m.P0 = (1e-6)*eye(4); % Covariance for the initial state
m.P0(11) = 1;
m.R = 0.1*eye(2); % Measurement noise covariance
m.Q = 0.01*eye(4); % Process noise covariance
m.nx = 4; % State dimension
m.nxn = 1; % Nonlinear state dimension
m.nxl = 3; % Linear state dimension
m.ny = 2; % Measurement dimension
% Define model to be used in the MPF see eq. (18-19).
m.An = [1 0 0];
m.Al = [1 0.3 0;
0 0.92 -0.3;
0 0.3 0.92];
m.C = [0 0 0;
1 -1 1];
%=== Simulate the model ===
Tfinal = 200; % Number of samples
MC = 10; % Number of Monte Carlo simulations
for i=1:MC
x = zeros(m.nxTfinal+1);
y = zeros(m.nyTfinal);
x(:1) = m.x0 + sqrtm(m.P0)*randn(m.nx1);
for t=1:Tfinal
x(:t+1) = feval(m.fx(:t))+sqrtm(m.Q)*randn(m.nx1);
y(:t) = feval(m.hx(:t))+sqrtm(m.R)*randn(m.ny1);
z{i}.xTrue = x(:1:Tfinal); % Store the true states
z{i}.y = y(:1:Tfinal); % Store the measurements
%=== Compute the estimates using the PF and the MPF ===
Npf = 200; % Number of particles in the particle filter
Nmpf = Npf; % Number of particles in the MPF
for i=1:MC
disp([‘Monte Carlo iteration: ‘ num2str(i)])
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 4240 2011-08-19 15:58 RBPF实例\mpf\experiment.m
文件 3585 2011-08-19 16:02 RBPF实例\mpf\mpf.m
文件 1636 2010-11-04 19:23 RBPF实例\mpf\pf.m
文件 176 2008-08-23 20:50 RBPF实例\mpf\sysresample.m
文件 136086 2018-04-24 15:08 RBPF实例\MPFexample.pdf
文件 588535 2018-04-24 15:15 RBPF实例\schongn2005.pdf
目录 0 2018-04-24 15:20 RBPF实例\mpf
目录 0 2018-04-24 15:21 RBPF实例
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