% Author: Stilian Stoev (C) sstoev@math.bu.edu
% Generates paths of fractional Gaussian noise. The algorithm exploits
% the efficiency of the FFT algorithm.
% * Written by: Stilian Stoev .
% * Latest revision: October 5 2003.
% * When 0 % The generated paths have “exact distributions“ discarding
% the effect of the random number generator. The code uses
% the “corrected“ algorithm of Steven B. Lowen 1999
% “Efficient Generation of Fractional Brownian Motion for
% Simulation of Infrared Focal-plane Array Calibration Drift“
% * When 1/2 % The paths are generated by using a truncated symmetric moving average
% filter. The filter coefficients are computed via IFFT of the square
% root of the FFT of the covariances of the FGN.
% The moving average is also computed by using the FFT algorithm.
% *Remark* This method is simple and probably similar to “circulant
% embedding techniques“ numerically. It is however more general and
% easier to extend for arbitrary covariance strucures. It is originally
% due to Stilian Stoev . Please email if you know
% of other similar algorithms.
% Input:
% sigma <- the variance
% H <- Hurst
% n <- number of independent samples to be generated.
% N <- the size of the sample
% M <- 1/2 of the length of the filter to be used
% (used only for 1/2 % force <- if force == 1 then the FFT‘s in the case 1/2 % are forced to be of dyadi
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