clearclose all;
points = [245508117592238455335;410386321275230214161];
%compute the rate from pixel to distances
P1 = [points(11) points(21)];
P2 = [points(12) points(22)];
Pixel_D = norm(P1 - P2‘fro‘);
Real_D = 300*sqrt(2);
global rate;
rate = Real_D / Pixel_D; %mm
%get the vanishing points
vanishPoint1_x = (points(11)*points(23)-points(21)*points(13))*(points(14)-points(17)) - (points(14)*points(27) - points(17)*points(24))*(points(11) - points(13));
tmp1 = ((points(24) - points(27))* (points(11) - points(13)) - (points(21) - points(23))*(points(14) - points(17)));
vanishPoint1_x = vanishPoint1_x / tmp1;
vanishPoint1_y = vanishPoint1_x * (points(24) - points(27)) + points(14)*points(27) - points(17)*points(24);
vanishPoint1_y = vanishPoint1_y / (points(14) - points(17));
vanishPoint2_x = (points(17)*points(23)-points(27)*points(13))*(points(14)-points(12)) - (points(14)*points(22) - points(12)*points(24))*(points(17) - points(13));
tmp2 = ((points(24) - points(22))* (points(17) - points(13)) - (points(27) - points(23))*(points(14) - points(12)));
vanishPoint2_x = vanishPoint2_x / tmp2;
vanishPoint2_y = vanishPoint2_x * (points(24) - points(22)) + points(14)*points(22) - points(12)*points(24);
vanishPoint2_y = vanishPoint2_y / (points(14) - points(12));
v_V1 = [vanishPoint1_x vanishPoint1_y];
v_V2 = [vanishPoint2_x vanishPoint2_y];
%compute the focus distance
point_P_x = 352;
point_P_y = 288;
v_P = [point_P_xpoint_P_y];
[v_real_P_xv_real_P_y] = pixel2space(point_P_xpoint_P_y);
k = (vanishPoint2_y - vanishPoint1_y) / (vanishPoint2_x - vanishPoint1_x);
Puv_x = (point_P_x + k * point_P_y - vanishPoint2_y * k) / (k^2 +1-vanishPoint2_x * k^2);
Puv_y = vanishPoint2_y -vanishPoint2_x * k + Puv_x * k;
v_Puv = [Puv_x Puv_y];
[v_Real_Puv_xv_Real_Puv_y] = pixel2space(Puv_xPuv_y);
v1toPuv = v_V1 - v_Puv;
v2toPuv = v_V2 - v_Puv;
Dv12Puv = norm(v1toPuv‘f
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