大小: 905B文件类型: .m金币: 1下载: 0 次发布日期: 2021-06-11
- 语言: Matlab
- 标签: phase unwrapping
2D_Phase_Unwrapping 代码 matlab
clear; clc; close all
%This Matlab program calls a 2D Phase unwrapper written in C language
%The wrapped phase image is floating point data type.
%Also the unwrapped phase image is floating data type.
%read the wrapped phase image from a file.
image_width = 512;
image_height = 512;
fid = fopen(‘wrapped phase map float 512X512.dat‘);
WrappedPhase = fread(fid image_width * image_height ‘float‘);
WrappedPhase = reshape(Wr
- 上一篇:细胞图像分割源代码
- 下一篇:网上选课系统UML建模
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- Multi_frequency_heterodyne_phase_solution.rar
- 相位一致性检验.rar
- threephasePWMrectifier.mdl
- 三相整流器svpwm控制-threephasePWMrectif
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- single_phase_connect_net_I_closecontrol.mdl
- 2D phase unwrapper
- three phase voltage rectifier 三相电压型S
- 多相滤波(polyphase filter)的基本原理
- matlab 整流器仿真
- three_phasetest 三相PWM整流器
- fivelevelthreephasepscpwm 级联电压型逆变器
- cascadethreephase
- three_phase_charge 三段式充电仿真
- SLMphase 纯相位空间光调制器相息图
- pattern_phase 天线线阵的优化
- software phase locked loop 准确检测到基波
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- matlab_temporal-phase-unwrapping- 展开相位是
- threephaseDPC
- hapf 单相混合有源电力滤波器的设计与
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- GK_3_simulation_phase_shift
s_PhaseLockedLoop_10b simuli
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